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The day Ezra and Sabine have been waiting for has finally arrived as they prepare to say their vows and spend the rest of their lives with each other, Ezra walks out of the stronghold to the Ghost to his old bunk where he finds a pair of traditional Jedi robes that he puts on before he finds his lightsabre in Sabines bunk he grabs it and attaches it to his belt before he speaks to Zeb who is in the common room in his Lasat honour guard uniform 

"hey Zeb" Ezra says as he comes in and sits next to his enemy turned friend 

"hey kid, big day huh?" Zeb comments seeing him in his robes as Hera is with Sabine

"yup, Kanan had me make these robes in case I was made a knight" Ezra says slightly sad

"Ezra, you're looking good" Kallus says as he comes around the corner in a suit 

"hey Kallus, you are looking great" Ezra says as he stands and goes to the man shaking his hand

"we have about an hour before the main event, what are you going to do?" Kallus asks Ezra 

"probably meditate" Ezra says back 

"meditate? come with us, we are going to check the area for any imps that could mess up your day Bridger" Kallus argues 

"Sabine will kill me if I go any where today" Ezra says back with a slight chuckle

cut to Sabines room where she is in traditional Mandalorian clothes

"Hera, I need to talk to you" Sabine says 

"about what love?" Hera says in a motherly tone

"I took a pregnancy test a few days back and I came back positive" Sabine said 

"you mean you and Ezra are having a child?" Hera says shocked

"yes, he told me he had a vision of me dying in childbirth" Sabine said concerned 

"I will talk to him later but this is the day you solidify your love" Hera said back

"you're right, Zeb and Kallus are doing a recon check of space and ground with Clan Kryze to look for any Imperial buckets" Sabine said 

"are you ready for this Sabine?" Hera asks 

"I am ready, I love him but he is so kriffing reckless on times" Sabine said back chuckling

"sounds like Ezra, but it also sounds like you and Kanan" Hera said back smiling 

"hmmm, I guess you have a point" Sabine says defeated 

she and Hera start to get changed into their wedding clothes as they leave the room to go into the main room where Ursa and Alrich are standing 

"Sabine, you look beautiful" Ursa mentions to her daughter 

"indeed you look truly breath taking, Ezra is a lucky man to marry you Sabine" Alrich says 

"thank you both, has he arrived yet?" Sabine asks

"not yet, he is with Zeb and Kallus on the Ghost at the minute getting ready he should be here in the next 10-15 minutes" Hera says 

about 20 minutes later Ezra shows up in his Jedi robes with his lightsabre on the left side of his belt hanging freely and his blaster on the right side of his belt, Zeb is wearing his honour guard outfit and Kallus his formal Imperial outfit with his blaster on the left side of his belt in its holster 

Tristan walks up to them in his normal Mandalorian armour 

"you are looking good Bridger" Tristan says complimenting the young Jedi who looks like a new man having shaved his beard leaving a goatee and his hair is not too long nor too short just right. although he does wear a nice body spray

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