The new kid

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As the bell just rang & everyone in class 1A finally settled down in there seats.

Ida  like normal was the one who got everyone in order in the first place. most people before than were talking in there respected friend groups well if they had a friend group.

poeple were surprised that Mr. Aizawa was awake for once usually he would be sleeping in his sleeping bag on tell home room was over, but today he was standing in front of the class room. He says in the most unamused voice "as you might have heard we have a new student, I will let him introduce himself." as he took out his sleeping bag & went in.

Everyone(including Bakugo) looked at the door when they heard it open. Unusually, Bakugo had frozen in place he could recognize that nerd anywhere, no one had seemed to notice that he had frozen though. He had moved a few years back because of his dad during the last year of elementary school(he was gone for about 3 years) so he was surprised when he came back for the first year of high school. Everyone watched as the new kid went to the front of the class to introduce himself, of course Bakugo already new him because of his green hair & eyes, freckles, & his pale skin, but this time glasses.

The new kid said very nervously "my name is Midoriya, Izuku but you call me, deku." Mr. Aizawa (still in his sleeping bag) said "theres a free seat behind bakugo, katsiki. Oh wait you must not know who that is he's the one who looks like an angry pomera-" the new kid awkwardly cut him off & said "I know who he is, I shouldn't have a trouble finding him." Everyone in class was confused (except bakugo) on how he had known him.

izuku quickly & quietly found his seat. By this point Mr. Aizawa was asleep. Izuku whipped out his note book & started writing & mumbling a lot. Bakugo seemed to be annoyed said "nerd, shut the fuck up" Izuku not realizing he was mumbling quickly covered his mouth in embarrassment on what had happened.

Ida then spoke up loudly "bakugo be nice to the new student, your representing this school poorly by disrespecting others!" Bakugo said angrily weirdly calmly though "you wanna go four eyes. Because, I'll take you head on"


they kept on yelling a crossed the class room & it made me feel more awkward. So I spoke warily " hey-y can you-u two please s-stop f-fight-ing". They both then perfectly timing looked at me. Kacchan then said "you have something to say, Deku" I flinched in fear. Then, blue heard kid with glasses the one that been fighting with kacchan then said "I'm very sorry for you to have to deal with him, by the way my name is tenya, Ida" the rest of the class proceeded to introduce themselves to me for the rest of homeroom.

Then as I looked at my teacher & realized he was the pro hero Eraserhead, or Aizawa I probably didn't recognized him cause I  was so nervous. All I knew was that I was exited to be in UA even if I started two weeks late.

// Many hours later(close to the end of the day)//

A crumpled up piece of paper hit my head & landed on my desk. I unraveled it to then immediately recognize kacchan's hand writing it read *nerd are you walking home*. I was a little confused I mean do you blame me, before I left to go to my dad, kacchan wasn't exactly nice more like bully. But, this sounded like he didn't want me walking alone so I wrote on the paper *yah* & tossed it back. He then wrote tossed it to me it said *do you mind if I walk you home*. Had I entered a different dimension where he was nice, because usually he was mean to me & even during our hero classes, so why is he being nice it's not a bad thing it's just making me really confused.

But, I wrote on *no* still confused he then wrote on the paper & tossed it back. He wrote & tossed it back It read *then I'm walking you home got it meet me outside*. I blushed a little it probably wasn't noticeable. But I don't know why... maybe I walking home with him would be embarrassing, no that's not it he's embarrassed to walk with me. I tried to figure it out but I couldn't.

Then the bell hit it scared me so bad I had to push my glasses up. Time to meet up with kacchan hopefully nothing happens.

This is really short that's fine hope you enjoyed (807 words)

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