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\Deku's POV/

As i walk up to kacchan's room some of my paranoia is gone but i still have most of it.  Who was it.... Out side my window that  does not matter but  i need to know my mind cant stop thinking about it my mind keep switching from kacchan to the weird shadow man dang i really wish it was easier for me to figure it out... was it aoyama... no i couldn't have been me and kacchan were both watched by something at the same time so could it have been.. I'll ignore this feeling of uncertainty... I feel as though I'm forgetting about something... i broke my moms promise ill have to tell her, how could I've done this. I get my phone out as fast i can and texted my mom.

Me: their was a human figure outside my window I didn't feel safe kacchan and me have been kinda of targeted by villains lately  but do not worry I'm at kacchan house  I'll be back home tomorrow morning.                                                                                                                                                     (Read 12:00 pm )

At least mom read it.

Before i knew it i was at kacchan's door I opened it and their he was on his bed laying down, i felt a slight blush creep on to my face but i immediately turn it down trying my best to hide it.

K: hey nerd come sit down as much as i hate it we need to discuss what happened 

Why was kacchan's voice so calm and groggily the ruffs in his voice put me into a trance it was ho- no mind he is just a friends not even that 

Me: ok k-kacchan.-

I stuttered, shit. I blush but i cant till if this was from embarrassment or from something else.

K: whatever nerd lets get this over with so i can go back to sleep

I guess kacchan is to tried to get after me after me about stuttering 

K: are you going to stand there for ever

Me: no 

I came over to the bed where kacchan moved so i could sit down. I started explaining it and as weird as it sounds he agreed with me about something right away unusually he doesn't agree without a fight but i guess he is to tired. I then meet his gaze...

No ones POV 

They look at each other intensively, izuku meet Katsuki's tired gaze and katsuki gaze meet with izuku's emerald eyes. Suddenly for the first time that night izuku mind had nothing on it he was just focusing on kats ruby eye. In unison they both start to lean in and closed their eyes they got close enough to where the tips of each other's lips gazed... as they were about to close the gap...

They opened their eyes and backed away not to realize what almost happened izuku's heart was racing and his gaze met Katsuki's again, he looked away when he realized he was staring. izuku thought over and over again he is just a friend, he's just a friend, then thought what if we're more. He shushed the thought... but before he could sort through his thoughts... katsuki came closer without him realizing it, keep in mind izuku is closer to the wall by the pillows, and katsuki couldn't ignore this feeling any longer he was no longer tired but instead he was wanting something, no not something he wanted someone ,izuku ... he used to only think he was aro and ace because he didn't like any of the girls who swarmed him but instead was ,now that he realized it, he was gay, very gay for one and one person only.

Katsuki got closer to izuku and lightly grabbed his chin to face him. As izuku tried to avoid eye contact, katsuki lifted his chin to make his face inline directly with his own izuku meet Katsuki's ruby gaze once more, Katsuki looked at the emerald orbs of pools katsuki couldn't control his gaze but for some reason he didn't care. Izuku and katsuki stayed like this for a minute holding each other's gaze once more. They again in unison start to lean in and their eyes start closing in ...but

 Katsuki wasn't going to let that one mistake happen again. He closed the gap the kiss lasted for a minute and broke apart for a second for air. Izuku fell down onto Katsuki's pillows and Katsuki's pined him as the melt into the kiss again and again when they finally realized what they were about to do it was to late the wanted more and melted into the kiss once more as their last one before... they take a long breath away theirs gaze still on each other they still wanted more but they had to sleep thought izuku but then he thought you know what fuck it i want it to badly to stop now... Katsuki then meet izuku with lust filled eyes he couldn't believe it he wasn't alone with this feeling of want. They continue the make-out session as they melt deeper and deeper into the kiss and lust as fast as it came it was leaving (good thing it didn't continue or their v card probably would have been lost and Katsuki mom and dad would have heard some stuff)

Izuku's POV

Me and kacchan stoped, and the feeling is gone but I'm still gazing into his eyes they are beautiful and consuming... wait...wait a second... did me and kacchan just make-out oh my goodness i then blushed madly it was all over my face kacchan then said...

"You liked it that much, uh" with a smirk that was almost a grin 

I blush three times worse I didn't know something like that could ever happen..

Me and kacchan kissed, me and kacchan kissed, me and kacchan kissed!!! Wait why am  happy he probably only did it to relieve stress and i was the only one around, kacchan obviously had experience i mean there's no way he could do that with one go on his first try...right. I mean i can still be happy right i mean we kissed!!!

"Nice kiss nerd, so what are wondering now your obviously wondering about something" kacchan said

'I was just wondering if you had experience.'

"No nerd that was my first you" 

"I said that out loud oh god"

"It fine nerd but answer my question have you lost  your first because of me."

"Y-yes" i stutter from embarrassment from the question and the fact  i said something like that out loud on accident 


My blush, which was already a deed shade, became darker as i get flustered from kacchan

"Wow you get flustered easily don't you" kacchan said in a low tone

"Ye- i mean n- I meant y-yes i-i do" i tried to form a sentence and it utterly failed it was know

1:48 am ... wait WHAT.. we have to go to bed i best say something

"H-" i managed to get out before kacchan's says "hey nerd its getting late lets go to bed" i than realize we're still in the same position as earlier, I'm still pinned. After that kacchan than said "scutch over nerd" there isn't much room on his bed yet he manages to move both of us without letting my fall. The position we were in now was a cuddling position, i couldn't lie i felt a lot safer in his arms then anywhere else, i was laying on his chest and in a hugging position, dang while i was gone he did get like a foot+ taller than me cant believe i just realized that. I then as a drift into sleep i look up at kacchan one more time before I full go to sleep "goodnight, kacchan" i say as i fully drift away into slumber.

Bakusoft POV 

"Goodnight, izuku" i say before kissing him on the forehead than falling asleep myself. I then drift away fully in my sleep falling into my world not my world, our world... 

1360 Words hoped you enjoyed sorry for it being short and late we'll tell me if you liked so i know if I should keep writing.

~kitty79er out~

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