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Dream awoke many hours before George. This gave him time to consider what he could do next.

He decided, he would call one of his friends, Sapnap. He knew Sapnap in his mortal years. However, Dream had died much sooner than he did.

Sapnap had a fallen angel in his home, just a few blocks down. Except, to differ from George, Sapnaps angel fell practically as soon as he entered heaven, and for the same reason as George, homosexuality.

Sapnap and his angel were quite close, and stated that they were a couple the last time Dream had visited.

Sapnap had kept his angel for the same reason as Dream, beauty. Angels were known for their undeniable gifts of grace, it was impossible for any demon to ignore how pretty they were.

Another small detail, Sapnaps angel despised the lord, and enjoyed committing sins. George certainly did not.

Dream went to his phone in the kitchen, since cell phones in hell really just didn't exist, everyone had a wired phone built into their home.

George was soundly sleeping in the bed.

"Hello, Sapnap?" Dream asked when he heard the ringing stop.

"No, sorry, he's gone to get a few souls." It was Sapnaps angel.

"Oh, Karl, how have you been?" It had been a while since Dream had spoken to Karl, he figured he'd speak with him while he waited for Sapnap, George probably wouldn't wake up for many more hours, considering how much he needed sleep.

"I've been great! Sapnap and I have spend so much time just enjoying each other's company, I love it so much. How about you?" Karl always sounded excited, a direct contrast of George so far.

"Well, I picked up a fallen angel a week or so ago. He's a pretty little thing, quite frail and fragile, if he wasn't asleep right now, I guarantee he'd be weeping. I wanted to ask Sapnap how to get him to calm down." Dream admitted, fiddling with the hem of his dress shirt.

"Oh, you could just ask me, I doubt Sapnap would even know how to answer half of your questions. Besides, I was the one that had to calm down." Karl sounded cheery as ever.

"Alright, I suppose you're right. First things first, I want to know how to get him to stop crying all the time. He's been here just over a week, and this is the first time he's slept. He spent every second crying, and praying. I haven't been able to even think over the sound. Not only is it annoying, but he sounds so broken." Dream rambled, waving his hands around.

"Well, did he tell you why his wings were severed off?" Karl asked, he sounded like he was in thought.

"Yeah, after a few years of being in heaven, he admitted to the lord that he's gay, and now he's here." Dream ran his fingers through his hair, while the other hand was holding the phone to his ear.

"You know what? I actually remember what helped me feel better when I first got here!" Karl always spoke a little loud, he claimed it was because he was silenced his whole life. Will George be like that? "Sapnap would tell me every time I got sad about it that the lord was shit and being straight is no fun." Karl giggled like a child across the line, making Dream smile at the sound.

"But, once he was done being so harsh, and I was done crying, he'd play with my hair and tell me about how pretty I was. He'd let me lay my head on his shoulder, and he'd let me talk about my mortal life. Sometimes he'd make me take off my shirt, and he'd tend to the wounds on my back almost every night until they were fully healed, and he'd tell me about how glad he was to have me." Karl seemed to love talking about Sapnap. If you'd ask him about Sapnap, he could go on for hours.

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