Chaos at dawn

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The angel and devil lay sleeping in their bed together, holding each other closer than usual. The morning was colder today; subconsciously they drew closer to one another for warmth. Well, to keep Dream warm that is, George was warm enough for the two of them; yet still George could feel that odd chill down his spine, and each second that passed grew colder.

Something was about to happen, it was a given. Hell is only so cold when something bad wanders in, and the two were about to find out.

Loud banging at the door caused Dream to shoot up from sleep, and George to almost fall off the bed.

"What the fuck!?" Dream shouted, quickly standing up and snapping his fingers to dress in his normal fancy attire. If anyone was to infiltrate his home, he didn't want to be caught snuggled up to an angel in sweat pants and an old tee shirt.

"Who's at the door this early?" George rubbed his eyes and physically shivered. "Uhm, it's really cold today... do you think that has something to do with it?"

"I don't know, c'mon, it's probably important." Dream picked George up and ran to the living room to lay George down again and answer the door.

Never once had someone who meant harm to Dream knocked before entering, which put Dreams mind somewhat at ease, almost putting his guard down entirely. He swung the door open when the banging started up again.

"What the fuck do you want this early in the fucking morning!?" Dream didn't register the crying boy in front of him until he had already shouted. "T-Tommy? Why are you crying? Jesus, come inside, George is on the couch." Dream helped Tommy come inside, and directed him to the couch. He had to physically move Tommy to his seat, as if he had no means of moving on his own. It was strange for Dream to see a child cry, he always thought kids were innocent without a care in the world. He had to remind himself that Tommy was almost an adult all the time.

"D-Dream, someone took Tubbo." Tommy sobbed, wrapping his arms around himself and crying uncontrollably. "Some black soul fell today and I went to get it for Tubbo but he shot at me and took him! Dream, he took Tubbo away! I can't continue my immortal years without him. Deal or not, I won't go on without him." Tommy cried uncontrollably.

"You got shot? Come here, show me where." George pulled Tommy over to see where he was hurt. Tommy lifted his shirt enough to see a large gash dripping blood down his side. Tommy's shirt was covered in his own blood as well. "Oh my gosh, Tommy, does that hurt?"

"I don't care about the fucking pain! Where's my Tubbo?!" That subtle input of their true bond of friendship, that little my before Tubbos name, it was almost enough to bring the devil to tears, and surely enough to make an angel weep. George only held it together because Tommy didn't need a man crying for him.

"What!? Who took him? Tommy, I promise I'll get him back." Dream almost covered his mouth out of instinct, feeling that fiery rage return once again. He hasn't felt this kind of anger in so many moons, he almost forgot that sting to his gut, and that rotting sensation through his legs.

"I don't know! I don't know what happened, there was this tar soul and he was just there and I was confused and everything happened so fast and now he's gone and Ranboo wandered off again and-." Tommy was cut off from his panicked state by George, who had gently took Tommy's and into his and smiled ever so gently.

"Tommy, just breathe, okay? You've got us to help you now, we'll get him back. You don't have to go through this alone. I know it's scary to lose someone you love and not know if they're ever going to come back. I promise I know that pain and panic. But you ran here, and now we're going to help you get Tubbo back. You're not alone in this realm, you don't have to be strong all by yourself." George calmly showed off a bit of his soul to Tommy. The relation to pain he knew so well, and the ability to empathize with feeling so alone with so many people around.

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