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"A horror film!?" George exclaimed, cupping his hands together on his lap, his eyes showing fear.

"Yes, and you have to watch it with me." Dream smiled with pearly teeth, knowing it would frighten George out of his whits, and seek comfort from the demon.

A sadistic route, but one that would be affective for sure. To introduce George to horror for the first time would be fun for Dream, and utterly terrible for George.

This wasn't just a horror movie, oh no, it pertained more than just a fear factor. There were also scenes of sexual acts, of nudity, swearing, drug and alcohol abuse, you name it. Everything the angel stood against his whole miserable life, all in one movie. Dream knew it was awful in his right mind, but he didn't care at all.

George looked down at his lap, a slight shiver in his demeanour. He didn't dare look up.

"Oh come now, it's just a movie." Dream became intrigued by the sudden change of atmosphere.

"I've never watched a film before. Much less one of vile and horrifying content." George stiffened, keeping his eyes down.

"You were still alive when movies came out, so why haven't you seen one?" Dream knew the reason of course, that's why he was here. Dream was so infectiously attracted to getting the pure soul to commit sins. Part of Dream also wanted to be positive that the lord would never take George back.

He never wanted the lord to steal his angel away.

"The lord sees any form of entertainment other than church activities sinful. And, well, poor language. Swearing is quite the sin, you know." George rambled from the floor.

George still refused comfort unless Dream forced it on him.

"Well, today we're watching a horror movie." Dream smirked. Dream moved to sit on the couch, George turning around to face him.

Dream pulled George's head to lay on his knees.

"Um, sir, it's still a sin for me to do so." George pointed out, his head propped up by his chin on Dreams knees.

"Yes, and you've been refusing to sleep. This is your punishment." Dream smiled down at George, acting as though this was fair.

"Oh, I see." George's shoulders slumped, making his back hurt even more. Dream ran a hand over George's hair, feeling the silky smooth ruffle of brown locks.

George straightened his back and turned around, facing the screen. Only then did he realize the throbbing coming from his back. The wounds were just cleaned, meaning any pain was coming from the strain of keeping his back straight at a constant.

Dream noticed the sharp wince from George when he fully turned around, so he stood up and lifted George up, laying him down on the couch.

"C'mon. You're sitting next to me today. I crave closeness." Dream came up with somewhat of an excuse, so that George wouldn't feel so bad.

For the first time ever, George did not protest verbally or physically. He simply accepted it. Dream sat down directly next to George, wrapping an arm around his shoulders, keeping him close at all times.

Protective was not the right word, but possessive certainly was.

"My back..." George tumbled off his words, deciding he didn't want to be such a bother anymore. A burden. "No, pardon me. It's nothing." He folded his hands together in his lap just as he normally did, a very respectful and put together pose. Especially for someone who had their entire life's purpose ripped from their grasp and thrown away like it was worth nothing.

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