Childhood friends

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Once Dream returned with the souls, and the two had their fillings for the day, they sat in comfortable silence next to each other.

"So, Georgie, after all that heart wrenching pain, how's about we try getting you to stand, hm?" Dream openly laughed, already feeling better after finally being able to pour his heart out.

"One last thing that I just have to know." George piped up, sitting up to look at Dream.

"Alright, shoot."

"Why do you care so much about something that barely affects you? I mean, I know you were raised catholic, but doesn't it bother you that everyone's against you?" George seemed interested in the topic, so Dream figured there was no harm in honesty.

"I'm willing to stand up for what I know is right. I'm willing to be the man who goes against everyone, I can bare being the controversy. I will scream it till the day I perish, because I know that I'm right. It's a stressful thing, to fight in a battle a thousand to one, but in the end I know I'll fight until I've won the war. I guess it's not that deep, but I will always fight on the side that I know is right." Dream explained, realizing the sheer pride he had in the fact. He was the antichrist in a world filled with Christians, and still he never backed down. The devil will never be silenced.

"You know what, Dream? I wish I had that kind of courage. Even when I knew I should've said something, I stayed quiet because of the people around me. You're so brave." A faint blush washed over the demons face.

"Oh, well, I guess when you put it that way it sounds pretty big, but I've never really cared what someone thought about me before anyways." Dream scratched his head and looked to the side, clearly avoiding the flattery. "Not until now anyways."

"Hm? Why only now?" George took Dreams hand from behind his head and intertwined their fingers, he wore a small smile the whole time.

"It's you. I care what you think about me, because I care about you." Dream brought their hands to his face so he could give George's hand a quick kiss.

"Oh, well I like you a lot, don't worry about that!" George quickly pulled his hand away from Dream, embarrassment filling his guts. He was still shy at the end of the day.

"Alright, alright, enough of all this. How about we try standing now?" Dream smiled at George's whole demeanour, giving him a ghost of a laugh.

"I guess we could give it a try." George was definitely nervous, considering he hadn't been able to stand in months. To be fair, he's been to scared to try.

"I'm sure you'll be fine, and I won't let you get hurt, no matter what happens." Dream stood up while picking George up and laying him in the middle on the living room floor. "Okay, I already know you can get up on your knees, so why don't we start with that, hm?" George immediately did as he was told, figuring that the only person in the room who knew how to stand was trying to help him.

"Okay, I can totally do this." George reassured himself, while also trying to be at least a bit realistic.

"Yeah, you'll get there." Dream chimed in, sitting on the floor next to George. "Okay, I think the easiest way to do this is to get on one knee, you know, one foot on the ground, one not."

"Yes, I'm aware how one knee works." George laughed, placing one hand on the floor, and one under his knee to hoist it up.

Even though George was wobbling all over the place, and his back was already beginning to hurt, he managed to actually get up on one knee.

"Okay, see? Not so bad, is it?" Dream placed a hand on George's shoulder to steady him out. "I don't know if we'll get passed this point today, but it's worth a shot, yeah?"

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