I missed you

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"So Karl, what do you know about him? Have you guys ever spent time together?" George excitedly watched Dream walk around the house, grabbing things so they could begin their short walk to Sapnaps.

"I've spent many days with him and Sapnap. Never alone however. Sapnap and Karl are romantically involved with each other, and let me tell you, they do not try to hide that fact. Like, at all. I normally bring Sapnap drugs, or whatever he wants at that time, I usually just smoke, have a small drink, and then leave. Small chats here and there, you know, friend things." Dream finally found his black trench coat, quickly slipping it on.

"What's in your pocket?" George asked, seeing a tiny bag stick out.

"Ah, a gift for Sapnap. The last time I saw him he requested these. I believe he calls them shrooms." Dream stuffed them further into his pocket so other demons wouldn't try to steal them. Too much of a hassle while he had to carry George.

"Drugs. You allow your friend to do drugs?" George seemed confused, because to him, he was taught that all drugs were completely terrible. Even medicine, under or over the counter. Needless to say, he was surely incorrect.

"George, we're in hell. If this shit wouldn't kill him on earth, it sure as hell won't kill him here." Dream chuckled under his breath, realizing that George was defiantly the type to be fully against drugs no matter what. Even something so simple as weed.

Such a shame.

Dream had very few rules in his life, but two he could immediately identify were 'never do meth' and 'never do heroin.' Other than that, pretty much anything was on the table. LSD, shrooms, opioids, whatever he was in the mood for. To be completely clear, he found a better high in murder, so he didn't often to drugs in his life. Sapnap on the other hand, definitely a hard core stoner, in life and death. The guy was probably always a little bit high. The only reason Sapnap died was due to a fatal car accident that wasn't even his fault. It's a real shame.

"There's only one drug I've tried that I regret angel, only one that I'll never touch ever again." Dream threw on some black boots with plenty of silver chains, and finally walked up to George to pick him up.

"Really? What's that?" George seemed interested enough for a proper answer, and Dream hadn't spoken of this before, so why not?

"Phencyclidine. Or maybe you've heard of  phenylcyclohexyl piperidine, knowing your fucked up church life, they probably taught you every drug in the book so you didn't take them. However, most people call it angel dust. That shit can really fuck you up." Dream grimaced in the memory, closing the front door behind him as he began his walk with George sitting like a bride in his arms.

"Why was it so bad? Did something happen to you?" George sounded worried, even though the encounter was decades ago.

"Angel dust isn't really that common at parties and such. However, many people that do take it report having extreme suicidal thoughts or tendencies. Lets just say the devil is no exception." A chilling thought for sure, but he's dead now, so there really isn't much to worry about.

"That's a lot worse than what I thought you were going to say. But you did die to the electric chair, so I'm not sure what's worse." George tried to sound light hearted, and it somewhat worked well, however, Dream didn't need any lightening up.

"It's all over now anyways. So, you excited to see Karl?" Dream desperately tried to change the subject, no longer wishing to speak on the sensitive topic. Lucky for him, the angel was extremely excited to see Karl.

"I am! I can't thank you enough, Dreamie. I owe everything to you, seriously. You mean the entire universe to me. You basically saved me from an eternity of covered up hell. I'd do anything I can for you." George continued to gush his heart out for as long as he could, because he knew how deeply Dream craved to feel loved. Weather it be words of affirmation, touch, even gift giving, Dream loved all of it. Any of it, anything he could have, anything he could take, he'd love it all.

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