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The sea's clearer than his mind.

Blue, sparkling and refreshing, he dips his feet in it, letting the salty water cleanse the dead skin beneath his soles.

He's been walking about in hot, Spanish sun with his flip flops stuck to his stinging feet for the past ten hours. Or something.

He can't remember the last time he's been this free. From stress. Responsibilities. Work. Kids. Bills. Life in general.

It's alien to him.

A manicured hand reaches out and touches his own rugged palms. Soft lips plant onto his chapped ones. He relishes the moment:

"It's been so long, Habibi," he whispers into her ear.

She nods. "Twenty one years."

"Maybe even more. When did you have Adam?"

"The winter after that... no I think it was the following winter."

"It seems like a half a lifetime ago."

"It was." She adds with a giggle. "I can't remember the last time we spent longer than fifteen minutes together."

He smiles. "It is nice."

"We should do this more often."

Those six words strike fear into him.

Hiding his fear, he kisses her on the lips. Before she can say anything else, he pulls her into an embrace.

The silence is golden.

a/n: I'm going to start posting deleted and extra scenes related to Lío on here. Anything that doesn't fit in with the story.

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