The Pyramid Scheme

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Welcome to the pyramid I like to call my mind;
The sugar's cocaine and thinking is a pain.
I'm drinking Lavazzo 'til I go insane,
Dorado on the inside, hollow on the outside
Bitter like lemon rind, on the prowl, daily grind
I got some chaos brewing here like a manic barista;
Hasta la vista, join me on my conquista.
An aventura through the ages,
Buy a Ferrari, some pills, race through my brain again
And again until I get fed up and start looping the
Same thoughts and I panic.
Smothering amongst all this matter chokes me.
My brain is on fire, fire and thoughts
Pure unadulterated toxic sludge becoming ashes,
Punishing myself with thoughts, fifty lashes;
Random messes, be gone, my mental computer's hot

I mean, I'm misunderstood but I generally don't mind that part,
I'd rather be myself, a bit crazy and write from my heart
Than be a fraud and worship a bunch of manmade gods
You can keep your soldi, dinero, dollars and pounds

Ripping my soul out for temporary pleasures isn't what it's all about,
The unsettlement makes me want to scream, curse and shout
Inauthenticity and the love of evil is the best way to get paid
In this depraved society, where you lie, cheat and steal to stay ahead.

What's it all for in the end?
If you have no solid ground.
When you break and bend,
And have no worth to be found.

Wouldn't you rather be yourself than live a fake life as someone else?
Wouldn't it be sadder if you found peace too late and had regrets?

This pyramid scheme in life makes me want to crack up,
But then I remember what I've gained from giving it all over
To someone who cares and is always there,
And never lets me feel despair.

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