Oscii 2

32 6 20

So, Ari decided to leave me for this model. She seems like a really nice girl and I wish them both the best, but it's a pity that we had to part on such—should I say—shite terms?

He was mad with me and I was absolutely livid with him. We didn't give each other much time to explain our intentions, which was dumb, but now we're in the cooling down stage.

Maybe I'll see him in the next few weeks... who knows? Man's like a puppy; no matter how hard you kick him down, he just comes back to you, tail wagging, ready to start again. He forgives too easily and has a beautiful personality, but I suppose that's all a part of the charm.

I've known Ari since we were both sixteen, starting our A Levels at Ted Rodgers. Strangers turned into best friends, best friends to lovers and now... lovers to despair. Guess we'll have to wait and see what happens from this moment onwards.

Don't tell anyone... but I really miss being woken up to the smell of maple bacon pancakes, fresh coffee and a soft kiss on the lips every morning without fail. I miss the energy he brought to this cold, dark cave I call home; all the late nights of conversation, chaos and craic... gone in the blink of an eye.

Although things ended (pretty) awkwardly between us, I don't regret a moment of it. Ari Nasser was the best thing to happen since sliced bread.

The guy's out of this world, and he deserves all the happiness he can get.

I just hope he answers my text(s) and calls by soon so we can sort this trainwreck our before it explodes into oblivion and the shards slice our delicate hearts.

(A/N: You can listen to the attached song, it gives the words more impact).

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