Love and Laughter

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Michael's POV

Michael awoke to the sound of someone singing a song he had never heard before. The voice was really good and the curiosity of wanting to know who it was made him move from his bed that morning. He couldn't feel Luke's presence anymore and he felt a sense of loss. It was weird considering he hadn't know the boy for long. Yawning, he begrudgingly removed himself from the comfort of his bed and followed the sound of the singing voice. When he finally located the source of the noise, he found it was actually Luke singing in the kitchen while he cooked something over the stove. Whatever it was, it smelt really good.

"Good morning," he said. The sound of Michael's voice startled Luke, causing him to almost drop the pan on the ground. Michael had to hold in a snicker.

"God, you scared me!" Luke gasped.

"Didn't mean to scare you half to death," Michael chuckled at his own joke.

"Ha ha, very funny. Eat your breakfast," Luke said, as he served a stack of pancakes with maple syrup.

Michael happily sat down and quickly scarfed down his food, before hurrying to get dressed and prepared for school. Once he was ready, he found Luke waiting for him at the bottom of the staircase.


"Ready," Luke replied.

Michael and Luke walked in silence down the path Michael had taken the day before. This morning he didn't have the sense of someone watching him because he could see Luke this time, but the nerves from yesterday hadn't left yet.

"So, about today, you know what to do if someone asks me to do something right?"

"Yep. I'll just wait for you to give me a signal and then I'll lift it for you."

"Great! And no one can see you, right?"

"No one but you," Luke smiled.

Michael let out a sigh of relief. His nerves were gradually snowballing as they neared the school, but knowing Luke was going to be with him made him calmer. He entered the school gates and was immediately welcomed with "hellos", pats on the back, and even hugs! It seemed like overnight he had become popular and the centre of gossip around campus.

"Michael!" he heard a voice yell from behind him.

Michael turned around as much as he could in the crowded hallway to see Calum waving at him, pushing his way past people to get to him.

"Feeling better today?" Calum asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Over the shock."

"That's good," Calum replied. "You're not gonna go all psychic on us today right?"

"Not unless asked," he said, looking up at Luke who was casually floating above the students.

When Luke looked at Calum, Michael could swear he saw a hint of jealousy or anger in his eyes, but it disappeared when he noticed Michael staring. Maybe it was just the light. Luke wouldn't have anything to be jealous of or angry at Calum for. The bell rang for the start of lessons, and Michael and Calum had to rush past students to get to their class on time.


Michael was glad when the bell rang for lunch and no one had asked him to show his 'powers' yet. He searched for Calum and Ashton, and found them in the same spot as yesterday, except this time, they were joined by three girls. One had Ashton's arm around her waist, both looking up lovingly at each other, another was sitting in-between Calum's open legs, her back pressed against his chest, and the last was sitting in front of the four by herself, conversing with Calum and the girl.

"Hey, Michael!" Calum greeted him, as Michael sat next to the girl sitting by herself.

"Oh hey," Ashton said, removing his gaze from the girl in his arms.

"Hey guys, who is this?" Michael asked.

"This is Sadie, my girlfriend. Sadie, this is Michael, our new friend," Ashton introduced.

"Hi, nice to meet you," Sadie said, smiling warmly.

"And this is Becky. We're not official yet, but we're together," Calum introduced.

"Nice to meet you," Michael replied.

"And I'm Mel. I'm the fifth wheel in this love fest," said the girl next to him.

"Well, we can be fifth wheels together now."

Mel giggled at his comment, and he knew that the three girls were now his friends. The rest of lunch went by a breeze with the group talking about themselves and about other students within the school. Michael didn't want to seem rude so he kept out of the last part of the conversation. He didn't know the other students so he didn't feel like he had a right to gossip about them yet.

"Earth to Michael!" he heard someone shout.

"Huh, what?" he asked, confused.

"We were just telling the girls about what happened yesterday," Ashton said.

"Oh, what about it?"

"Well Sadie was just wondering if you could show us again next lesson?"

"Um, sure," he gulped. He looked around to make sure Luke was still with him and found him leaning against the side of a nearby tree.

"Great, we'll see you next lesson then?" Becky asked.

"I'll be there," he replied, as he watched Ashton and Calum's girlfriends kiss them goodbye and leave, while Mel just smiled at him before joining the other girls.

"Mel seems to have taken an interest in you," Calum stated.


"Mel? It's obvious that she likes you. You should ask her out."

"Uh, I don't know guys. I've only been here two days, it's a bit soon," he said, resisting the urge to glance at Luke.

"It's never too soon mate, you should ask her," Ashton said.

Michael was going to reply that he didn't really like her like that, but the bell for the end of lunch rang and interrupted his sentence. He watched as Ashton and Calum packed their things and walked to class. He followed them, all the while thinking about their proposal. Michael would ask Mel out, but the truth was, he didn't like girls like that; he was gay. He didn't want Ashton and Calum finding out just yet without knowing if they were homophobic or not. Michael had trouble with people not accepting him at his previous school and he didn't need that here; not after he had just made some friends. Michael ignored those thoughts and tried to preoccupy himself with the thought of what he was going to do to show his 'powers' to the girls next lesson. He just hoped that Luke and him could work together without fail or else it was basically all over for him.

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