Unexpected visitor

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Michael was glad the day was over and done with. After the buzz from the scene at lunch, all kinds of people were talking to him; some were already inviting him to parties and over to their houses. It wasn't really his sort of crowd though so he stuck to Calum and Ashton.

On the walk back home, Michael felt the same feeling of being watched like he had earlier that morning. He passed it off as early nerves and the aftershock from lunch. Besides, when he checked, there was nothing to be seen so what's the point in worrying over thin air? Michael was relieved when he finally made his way to the front steps of his house. The events of the day had finally caught up to him, and he was bone-dead tired and ready to nap for a hundred years. He trudged up the staircase and immediately flopped onto the comfort of his bed, as soon as he had kicked the door open. What a day.


When Michael awoke two hours later from his nap, it was starting to get dark and his parents still weren't home yet. Michael hated the fact his parents worked so much. They were hardly ever around, as they worked six days a week, from seven to nine, and when they were actually home, they didn't pay attention to him because they were too preoccupied hanging out with friends to care about him. Because of this, Michael had learnt from a very young age how to fend and take care of himself. It sucked, but Michael was used to it by now. Michael wandered downstairs to the kitchen to grab a sandwich before returning to his room to unpack the last of his items.


Michael had finally finished emptying the last box and now his room was adorned with all his possessions. He smiled and wiped a bead of sweat from his forehead as he pinned the last poster on the wall above his bed; Gerard Way's face staring back at him. Now what do I do? he wondered. Memories of the recent day's events resurfaced and Michael had an idea. He wandered around the room, collecting things he thought would be useful, before sitting down on the bed with the string of objects lined up in front of him. This would be the perfect time for Michael to test out his new abilities and find out how they work. He had gathered some items from his room to try and see if he could freeze them like he had done at lunch. First, he tried a gaming console. He threw the console above his head and raised his hand, face up, to try and keep it frozen in the air. However, unlike at lunch, that didn't work and the console came flying back down and into Michael's palm.

"Ouch!" he exclaimed, clasping his palm in pain.

Next, he tried something lighter: a pencil. Once again, Michael threw the object up in the air and tried to freeze it, but with no such luck. He tried and tried with various items, but nothing worked. He couldn't for the life of him figure out how he'd done what he had at lunch. Maybe it was because I was in danger? Yeah, maybe it was like a reflex thing. All I have to do is put myself in some sort of danger and then it'll work. Michael scanned the room for something he could use to endanger himself with. Electric shock? No. Scissors? Hell no. The wall! Yes. Michael jumped off his bed and leaned against one wall, preparing to charge at the other one across the room. You can do this Michael. It won't hurt remember? You'll be able to stop yourself. With one last, deep breath, Michael ran as fast as he could at the wall, belief in his mind that he would be protected. Well, he was soon proven wrong. A loud bang echoed throughout the house as Michael went face first into the cement wall. Shit, that fucking hurt. He groaned in pain, as he held his throbbing forehead, feeling the beginnings of a bump forming on the skin. Maybe that wasn't so smart. But why didn't it work? Maybe he had to put himself in even worse danger for it to work. The only other idea Michael had of seriously endangering himself was jumping out his window. 

This better work, he thought. Michael carefully sat down on the ledge of his broken window with shaky legs. When he looked down, he could see most of the town. But most of all, he could see the ground further away from him than natural. It's now or never. He closed his eyes and slowly started leaning himself off the ledge.

"Are you crazy!?" he heard a voice shout.

Woah, he jumped, almost falling out the window. He looked below to see who had spoken, but found no one there. What the hell?

"Hey! I said, are you crazy?" he heard the voice shout again.

This time, he turned around to see if the voice came from his room. When he turned around, he found something not even the vast amount of paranormal movies could have prepared him for.

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