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Michael searched the schoolyard for somewhere to sit; his eyes scanning for an empty spot among the many students. It didn't take long for his eyes to land on the boy he met in PE, who was waving insistently over at him from under one of the trees on the oval. What was his name again? Cady? Caylum? Calum - That's it! He awkwardly walked over to where Calum was talking with another boy, who appeared to be a senior, as he looked much older than both of them.

"Hey, Michael! This is Ashton; he's in year 12." So he had been right when he'd guessed he was a senior.

"Uh hi," Michael shyly replied. Michael had never had friends before so he was kind of awkward and unsure of how to act. He probably looked like a nerd.

"Hey mate, you can just call me Ash," Ashton smiled widely at him. Michael returned a small smile before beginning to eat his vegemite sandwich.

"Is that a vegemite sandwich?" Ashton asked.

"Uh, yeah," Michael knew it was stereotypical for him to like vegemite - which he got teased about often - but he couldn't help it; he just loved the taste. So he was pleasantly surprised when Ashton replied with "Wow, another vegemite enthusiast! I like this one Calum."

"I told you he'd fit right in," Calum grinned.

This time, Michael's smile grew even bigger. For once, he actually felt liked he belonged.
The boys then naturally went into discussion about their likes and dislikes. Turns out, Calum and Ashton both played instruments and liked the same bands Michael did! It was there, when Michael, Calum, and Ashton were in the middle of debating Green day's "Jesus of Suburbia" versus Blink 182's "I miss you" that they heard a voice call out to them from the other side of the oval.

"Hey, watch out!"

Michael only had enough time to see the fast-coming soccer ball flying towards him, before being able to feebly put his hands in front of his face to protect himself. But Michael didn't feel any impact. That's weird. Did someone stop it? Michael dared to peek out from behind his hands and was shocked by what he saw. Just centimetres away from where his hands had been, was the soccer ball, frozen in mid-air. All eyes were wide and on him; mouths agape at the scene.

"What the hell was that?" Ashton asked him. Oh great, somehow he had managed to become even weirder overnight and now it was going to lose him the only friends he'd ever had.

"Um, I don't really know. Did I do that?"

"I have no idea. The ball just stopped before it hit you," Calum said. "But nonetheless, it was awesome!"

A chorus of cheers started as all the students came running towards Michael, asking him thousands of questions. How did you do that? Have you always been able to do that? Can you do it again? He had never had this much attention on him before and it was quite overwhelming. Thankfully, the bell rang for the last lessons of the day, rescuing him from his new group of admirers. All the students withdrew their attention from him to rush off to their next lesson. Michael just sat and stared at the soccer ball now lying on the floor in front of him.

"Are you coming Michael?" Calum asked.

"Uh, yeah," he said, staring at the ball for a few more seconds before following Calum and Ashton inside the building.


Luke's POV

Luke didn't mean for that to happen: it just did. He had seen the flying soccer ball before the entire group had and instinctively, stopped it before it could touch or hurt Michael. Luke wasn't really sure what made him do it or why he wanted to in the first place. He had only known Michael a little under 24 hours and had already grown attached to the boy with the colourful hair. It's probably because there hasn't been a visitor in the house before, he thought. It's definitely not because Luke thought Michael was extremely cute and had started forming a tiny crush on him. Though, even if he did, there could be nothing further between them. It was impossible; completely out of the question. You see, Luke was dead or rather, a ghost to be exact. He'd died in the late '90s at the young age of eighteen and ever since, had been stuck in the house he used to live in. It was awfully lonely, especially when his parents decided to move out, and having Michael and his family move in was one of the most exciting moments of his undead life. He finally had some company, even if he wasn't allowed to talk to them.

Luke continued to follow Michael around to the rest of his classes for the day. He knew it sounded pretty creepy, but he couldn't help but feel some sort of attraction to the boy. And he didn't really mind listening to the teacher talk for an hour. He had almost forgotten what school used to be like, having not being able to graduate himself; he found it settling that he could continue his education in some way. And it wasn't like he had anything better to do in the first place. Before long, the last bell of the day rang and he watched as the students rushed from the classroom and out the door to freedom without a care in the world. Luke wished he could be like that again. When he finally located Michael in the sea of people, he saw that he was talking with Calum. A weird feeling formed in the pit of his stomach at the sight of the two boys laughing like best friends instead of strangers who had just met earlier that day. Luke patiently waited for Michael to finish his conversation with the other boy before following him back home. He made a mental note to keep an eye on that Calum kid and make sure there was no funny business going on between the two. Who knew what this kid wanted, especially if he thinks that Michael has some sort of "powers" now. And no, Luke is NOT jealous, he's just protective of Michael, that's all; or at least that's what he told himself.

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