Parent troubles

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Michael walked home with a heavy heart. He was debating the whole way over whether he should tell Luke what he had discovered. The papers in his bags suddenly weighed a ton and made Michael's legs drag along. Before he knew it, he'd made it to the front door and his palms were dripping with sweat. He had to do this he reminded himself. Luke deserved to know.

Michael shut the door behind him, calling out Luke's name. When Michael didn't receive a reply, he went searching for the boy upstairs.

"Hey, I was calling you," Michael said, finding Luke laying on his bed.

"Sorry, I didn't hear you," he could hear the coldness in Luke's tone.

"Okay then..." he replied, confused. "I found some information on your parents."

"Really?" Luke shot up from the bed. "What did you find?"

"Um, well, I found that they moved back to Sydney, Australia-"

"Well that was kinda obvious. Don't know why I didn't guess that. But too bad it's not closer to here because then I would-"

"Luke, stop!" Michael interrupted. "You didn't let me finish...there's more."

"What more, Michael? What aren't you telling me?"

"Um, I found a newspaper article online, and um-here" Michael ended, handing Luke the printed paper from his bag.

Michael couldn't bare to watch the look on Luke's face so he looked out the window instead, waiting for Luke to say something.

"My parents are dead?" Luke said aloud, grief evident on his face. He floated back down on the bed, Luke's eyes never leaving the article in his hands.

"I'm so sorry Luke. I didn't want to tell you because I knew you'd be hurt, but if we look on the bright side, that crosses another thing off the list-"

"How is there a bright side to this, Michael!?" Luke cut him off. "My parents are dead, Michael. DEAD!"

"I know Luke. I understand and I'm sorry but-"

"No, you DON'T understand. Yeah your parents may be crappy, but you still have them - I don't!"

"I know this news hurts Luke, but we can get through this together, ya know."

"Together?" Luke scoffed. "Are you sure about that? Because lately it seems like you want to get rid me."

"Luke, I would never..."

"No, just save it Michael! You know what? If you are so set on going then just leave."



Michael had never heard Luke shout before, let alone at him. Michael didn't want to upset Luke further, and he definitely didn't want Luke to see he had made him cry, so he did what Luke said and left. He ran out the door to his house and as far away from Luke as he could go. Tears spilled from his eyes, blurring his eyesight, but he kept running. Running away from his friends, away from his parents, away from his problems, and away from Luke.

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