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Luke's POV

Why the hell did Luke say that? How could he have been so rude to Michael? It wasn't Michael's fault his parents were dead, but him trying to fix things had just angered him so much. Luke ran out of the house in the direction Michael had gone. It had grown dark and he was scared something bad would happen to Michael. If it did, it would be all his fault. 

Luke searched the whole town; anywhere that Michael might've gone. He searched friends' houses, the park, the music centre, the gaming store at the mall, even the school, but he couldn't find Michael. It was only when Luke passed the local bar that he found Michael...but not in the state he would've liked. Michael was lying on the dirty ground of the alley, head facing away from Luke, covered in some sort of grime. Luke rushed over to Michael and found that he was, in fact, unconscious and severely beaten. Luke now knew what the grime was and he wished he had never wanted to know. Luke's stomach lurched and he found it hard to resist the urge to throw up at the sight of Michael's bleeding stomach.

Michael's body was covered head to toe in purple and red marks; his clothes were slightly torn, his phone and wallet missing, and no matter how many times Luke called out his name, Michael's eyes wouldn't open. Shakily, he pressed his cold fingers to Michael's neck, looking for a pulse. He found one, but it was very faint. If Luke didn't get Michael out of here fast then Michael would surely die. Luke carefully scooped Michael into his arms, trying hard not to hurt him further, and ran towards home. He couldn't exactly walk into the hospital with Michael in his arms so he had to settle for treating him at home. Luke had been trained in first aid before he died so he should be able to help Michael as long as he got home in time. It was a race against the clock.

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