I love you

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Luke was relieved when he finally returned home. Kicking open the front door, he took Michael up to the bedroom and laid him carefully on the bed. Luke ransacked the bathroom for medical supplies before returning to Michael's side. He had just started moving Michael's clothes away and started applying pressure on the rapidly bleeding wound on Michael's stomach when he felt a hand latch onto his.


Michael's eyes fluttered open, looking up at Luke tiredly. Now that Luke noticed, Michael was looking paler than usual: not a good sign.

"Stop Luke," Michael whispered.

"What are you talking about? I'm helping you out."

"No, Luke. It won't work, I can feel it."

"No! I know it'll work, you just gotta hang on Michael; hang on for me."

"Luke," Michael grimly smiled. "It's too late, I'm bleeding out."

"No, you're not. I'm going to fix this, it's not too late, it's not."

"Luke, babe. Please."

"No," Luke cried. "You can't leave me. Not like this."

"It's just my time Luke, but I want you to k-know," Michael choked out. "That I love you Luke. I have for a while and I always will. I just want you to know that before-"

And that was it. Michael's eyes fluttered shut and his heart stopped beating.

"No," Luke whispered to himself. "This can't be happening, it can't!" he sobbed.

He fell onto Michael's body, cradling the corpse to his chest, sobbing loudly.

"No, no, no, come back to me Michael! Come back! Please," he cried.

But no matter how loud or how much Luke pleaded, Michael stayed cold and lifeless. Michael was gone for good.

"I love you too, Michael. I love you too," Luke whispered over and over again, holding the dead body of the boy he loved closer.

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