Chapter 4- To Find The Treecko

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1st person POV of Treecko


I laid down on my bed. I had to not only find Gengar again and ask him about more on the dark world, but to ask him about Rayquaza.

The weird figure that Pikachu also described was kinda bugging me too. Maybe that was the thing that Gengar was hiding? Pikachu didn't think it was real however, and accused himself of hallucinating the whole situation.

I thought it was very much real, however, since we both did practically die.

Then I had a thought. We were going to have to break the news about Rayquaza to Groudon and Kyogre, or at least someone would have to.

I wasn't in the mood to make their day worse by telling them the third member of their trio had died, and certainly wasn't in the mood to be climbing what felt like 100 floor dungeons.

I had to find Gengar, though. He obviously wouldn't have returned to Sinister Woods, and me and Pikachu were out of ideas on where to look.


1st person POV of Darkrai


"Who...? Who is this..?" I asked myself. I've been researching and asking everyone about this for the past 3 hours now. That wasn't a long time in general but definitely was a long time to be asking everyone about something.

Someone was down here. Someone uninvited. I don't understand how they could have possible gotten down.

Are they a legendary? Did one of the weather trio make it down? The legendary birds? Beasts? Mewtwo?

Why would they be down here? They're immortal, they can't die, surely.

I think.

No, a legendary couldn't have died. Right?

....Did a legendary die? If so, why has no one found their spirit or soul? How did they die? Did the meteorite actually hit, and Rayquaza just stopped i-

I suddenly had another thought.

-did Rayquaza die to the meteorite?

It couldn't have.
The ozone layer needs it.
The Earth needs it.
One stupid meteor can't kill it.
I'm sure of it.
Could it have?
What'll happen to the ozone?
What'll happen to the Earth?
How big was the actual meteor and was the impact?
There's too many questions.

"That Treecko... he was near the meteorite and died. But that's a Treecko, not a legendary. Of course it would die," I explained to myself "am I panicking for no reason? Is this a fraud? Have I been fooled?"

I clutched my head.

Darkrai stop it! Stop asking questions for hell's sake!

I sighed. I needed to find that Treecko. Surely he remembers this world.

Speaking of world, I need to go to the normal one. But not as a Darkrai, I need to disguise myself.
I think a Sableye will do fine.


1st person POV of Treecko


Gardevoir appeared in front of me again.

"Gardevoir! I need to ask you another question, and it's not about Rayquaza this time!" I exclaimed. She looked at me with worry.
"Well then.. go ahead."
"Where can I find Gengar? I need to ask him some questions, surprise surprise about Rayquaza- also what's the dark world?"

Gardevoir flinched.
"The dark world... that's Darkrai's place. Gengar is there."
I stared at her. Who the hell is Darkrai?
"Who- who is Darkrai?"
"....Darkrai is.. in a way, the founder of the dark world. It's this universe's hell."

Darkrai must have been what Gengar was hiding from me.

"What does Darkrai look like?"
"It's a black shadow with white hair and a red neck piece."

I flinched. That's what Pikachu saw.

"When me and Pikachu 'died'... I saw Gengar, and Pikachu saw Darkrai... but he didn't think it was real..."
Gardevoir stared at me again. "Don't go around telling everyone about Darkrai. Please."

Then, she left. And Pikachu came in.

"Hey Treecko, we're gonna go to Pelipper's place, apparently someone want us there," Pikachu said to me. I got off my bed still thinking about who the hell Darkrai was.

Does it know about Rayquaza? I thought, as me and Pikachu left the house. It must do. In fact, if Rayquaza could move unlike me, it must be asking several questions.


We finally made our way there. "Treecko, you've been lost in thought the whole way up. Thinking about where to find Gengar?" Pikachu asked me.

Should I tell Pikachu about Darkrai? I thought I mean, he technically saw it but doesn't think it's real...

"Oh, I see."

We went inside and a Sableye was waiting, to our surprise.
"Sableye-?" Pikachu asked. It stood up and pointed at me.
"You. You're the Treecko who died at the meteorite, am I correct?" It asked, still pointing at me.
"Uh- yes, but how do you know-?"
"Come outside. I have some important questions to ask you."
"Should I come along?" Pikachu asked.

And then, Sableye grabbed my arm and left.


"So first of all... how were you revived?" It asked me.
"Why are you asking me this?"
"I need to know. Now answer the question: how were you revived?"

Who is this Sableye? I thought Why am I so important to them? Does it know I'm a human?

"..By Alakazam."
"Alakazam... the team leader?"
"Yes, with Tyranitar and Charizard."

The Sableye looked at the ground. I was beginning to get nervous.

Should I ask if it knows I'm human? I thought again ..No. No I won't.

"Gengar told you about the dark world. What did he tell you about?"

I flinched. How did it know? Was it stalking me?

"How do you- how do you know-?"
"I'll tell you after you answer the question."
"..not much, just that it was practically this universe's hell."

I began to sweat again. The Sableye looked back down on the floor. Was it really a Sableye? Something was telling me it wasn't.

And I wasn't too sure what.

{DISCONTINUED} When the Ozone Fell (PMD Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now