Chapter 11- Questions, Questions

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1st person POV of Treecko


We rushed down to the village. I looked around and Xatu wasn't anywhere to be seen and the sun was beginning to set.
"Maybe Xatu went to the cliffside?" Pikachu suggested. I looked in the direction of where Pikachu was talking about. "Probably, let's go."

We made our way over, and he was correct, Xatu was there. I then got reminded of when we first found out about Rayquaza's... disappearance.
That must have been 24 hours ago by now I thought a lot has happened since then... it's hard to process.

"Xatu?" I asked. The flying/psychic type turned around to face me. "Treecko! Pikachu! And... Sableye?" He greeted. Darkrai sighed. "We need to ask you some questions," Darkrai said, pointing at Xatu.

"Well go ahead," he permitted. I inhaled. "Who's going first?" I asked.
"You can." Darkrai replied.

I inhaled again.

"Why didn't you see Rayquaza's... death, coming?" I asked, pausing before saying 'death'. Xatu sighed. "I don't know, I just didn't see it. I knew Rayquaza was going to stop the meteorite but... not the death," he explained.

That's so weird. But then again, Xatu is the one who told us Rayquaza 'died'. But it's not atop Sky Tower, so who am I argue? But the whole thing with the dark world... it's so confusing...

"How did you know Rayquaza died?" Darkrai asked.
"My vision said so."
"Where's the body?"

Xatu paused.

"Rayquaza's body?"
".........I- hang on.."

Xatu turned around, as silence fell. The pink sky turned black, and the sun fell behind the horizon, as the moon rose. Stars scattered in the sky.

"..There is no body. How strange," Xatu finished.

Me and Darkrai looked at each other. Everyone was so confused about what was going on, where Rayquaza was... even the one who confirmed Rayquaza's death, Xatu, wasn't too sure either.

I wish someone just had the answer to all this.


Xatu made his way home as me and Pikachu did. Darkrai followed. It was still silent, and everyone in the village had gone inside their houses, and all the shops were closed.

"So... are you going to go to the dark world or stay with us for the night?" Pikachu asked.
"I don't sleep. I'll go back to the dark world, but thank you for the offer," Darkrai replied.
"Oh alright then."

I wanted to go back to the dark world too. But then again, Alakazam was going to do the whole connection thing tomorrow, and no way was I going to miss that.
Actually, I should probably tell Darkrai about that.

"Hey Dark- I mean, Sableye," I began. Darkrai looked at me. "Alakazam said he was going to try find Rayquaza's spirit. And it doesn't have to be dead in order for him to do that, because he found me and I wasn't dead."
"You were," Pikachu added.
"No, I mean when Sableye kidnapped me."

Darkrai looked around, then sighed.

"Does he even know where to look?" It asked.
"Probably the dark world, that's where we assume Rayquaza is," I said.
"No, Rayquaza isn't down there. It's somewhere else and I don't know where. I mean sure, you can check the dark world, that's fine- but from my experience, Rayquaza is not down there," it explained.

I inhaled and slightly clenched my fists. Hope of finding Rayquaza was getting further and further away each day. Would we ever even find it? If Alakazam's plan- sorry, no- MY plan backfires, what's gonna happen?

"He's not even looking in certain places, is he? I mean, he's just hunting for the spirit itself, not the location," Pikachu added.

He's got a point I thought. (Hehe)

"Well still, I'm returning to the dark world. I refuse to bring any of you along with me for several reasons I'm assuming you'd know. Ok?" Darkrai asked. I sighed.
"Treecko, you literally left. Why are you disappointed?" It asked.
"Uh- ignore me, ignore me."

I walked off into the direction of the house.

"See you tomorrow. I think," I said, not even bothering if they could hear me. Pikachu rushed up to me and followed at the same pace as me as Darkrai teleported to the dark world.

Well, I think it teleported to the dark world. Where else would it go?


I woke up and was surprised about no visit from Gardevoir, which was unusual for her. Maybe she did visit me but didn't actually talk.

Then I suddenly remembered something.

Gardevoir said Rayquaza was dead too. She knows almost everything. In fact, she was the one who told me about Darkrai in the first place.

I was about to go tell Pikachu and possibly Darkrai (even though Pikachu always assumed I was hallucinating), when something hit me.

Gardevoir said she couldn't answer any of my questions, because she didn't know what to say. But maybe there's more than that. Maybe she couldn't say anything, like something was stopping her from the truth.

I slightly gasped at my realisation.

Someone's hiding Rayquaza, and whoever they are, they can connect to Gardevoir. They must be a legendary, I'm literally the only thing Gardevoir can talk to.
However, that possibly means that Alakazam might not be able to find the soul; it's locked away somewhere unknown.

I sighed.

It's still worth a shot.

And so, I left the house, and Pikachu was waiting outside. Outside the gate.

"Pikachu, did I wake up late?" I asked him. He turned around.
"No! Absolutely not. I only woke up five minutes ago anyways."
"Oh, good. Should we go see Alakazam?" I asked. Pikachu ran up to me and grabbed my wrist.
"That's what we're doing right now. Come on!"

And he dragged me to the village centre.


We looked around as Tyranitar approached from the hill leading to Pelipper's place. We rushed up to him. "Tyranitar?" I asked. He looked down at me.
"Oh, Treecko! Pikachu! Alakazam sent me to fetch you guys. He's gonna be looking for Rayquaza's soul at the same place he looked for yours, Treecko," Tyranitar explained "let's head up there now, come on."

I began to sweat as I wasn't too sure if it would work and Alakazam would just tire himself out.

We made our way up the hill and Alakazam was sat down in the middle of the path, cross-legged. He had his arms on his knees; was breathing heavily, and spoons were levitating above him.

"Are you ready?" Pikachu asked. Alakazam inhaled once more. "I'm not too sure. I need to prepare myself."

I looked around. Suddenly, behind the building, a Sableye popped out.

Darkrai?! I thought Is that Darkrai? Did he come to see Alakazam too?

"Da-I mean, Sableye?" I cast the attention over to the dark type. It looked at me blankly.

"You know who I am. I came to watch your attempt of finding Rayquaza," it explained. Alakazam turned his head to face it. "I'm sorry... what? How do you know?"

With an inhale, Sableye transformed. Tyranitar, Alakazam and Charizard gasped.

Darkrai was now in front of us.

{DISCONTINUED} When the Ozone Fell (PMD Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now