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I had been trying to fight it. This feeling that had crawled underneath my skin and was burning me alive.
He just smelled so damn good.
I've never thought of Kai in this way. I've never wanted to inhale his scent in too deeply and force him to his knees. Never wanted to bite into his throat when he looked at me in defiance. We've been best friends for five or six years now, we were more like family. Practically brothers.
But how I was looking at him now; was anything but brotherly.
I never wanted to taste him before now. Never had an urge to press my body against his. To mark and claim him.
Claim him?
These damn thoughts. I growled and watched Kai tense as his gaze slid to the ground before popping back up to glare at me. Kai was no pushover. He always stood up to any and everyone, no matter the size. He demanded respect.
"Kai..." I began and watched as he looked away and looked back with a whimper. Kai. Whimpering. His eyes wide in fear.
Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.
I knew I was fucked up for doing this to my best friend but I didn't know what this even was and felt as if I had lost all control of myself.
I could see and smell it on him.
Omega. Weak.
Make him submit.
Now I knew what was happening. But for me to be this effected by Kai's wolf turning omega, it meant... but there was no way.
Had my wolf become alpha?
"Kai," I looked at my best friend as realization dawned on me that I wouldn't be able to stop what had been set into motion. The wind was blowing and his smell was overwhelming me. A beast was trying to claw its way out of my chest as I warned him to run.
As soon as he shifted and took off, the beast came out.
It didn't take long to catch Kai. He was faster than me, always has been, but when I let out a howl, he hesitated and I knew his wolf was giving in. Tackling him to the ground, saliva and blood flew as I clamped down on his neck. He howled out and it turned to a human yell as we both shifted back as we hit the ground.
My body was flush against his hard muscular back and when he whimpered again, I pulled off his neck and it was only then that I noticed I had started to roll my hips into his backside. My now very naked, very hard body, into his very naked, very soft backside. I had already cum on him, but here I was consumed by my need to be inside of him. Hard all over again, so hard it hurt.
"Shadow," he breathed out and I could see the fight leave him as he started rolling his hips also; trying to seek friction. "Please, I need..." his voice trails off but I don't care what he needs. I only care what I need.
Gripping the back of his neck, I press down as I rubbed against him, chasing a high within reach.
I started rutting against him like a dog in heat. When he tried to reach under himself to touch his dick, I grabbed his wrists and held them against the ground as I continued to hump against him. He whimpered and wiggled underneath me and I knew I needed to be buried inside of him.
"Fuck you, let me get off," he tried to sound tough but ended up sounding whiny as he turned his head to the side. I looked down at him.
"Shut up," I growled, barley containing myself from teaching him a lesson. I wanted to bite his neck again. I wanted to shove my cock down his throat. But this was my best friend and I had to show at least some restraint, even if the wolf inside of me was snarling out otherwise. "You cum only when I allow it," I spoke into his ear and he groaned as if in pain.
My mind seemed to howl.
All mine. Only mine. He belongs to me now.
I grunted as I gripped his wrists and positioned myself to line up with his hole for the second time that day.
"No," he whispered brokenly underneath me, causing me to pause. All it would take was one thrust and I would be in Heaven. I could satisfy the beast within and we could get this over with already.
"Shadow...please, not that," he begged as he squirmed harder underneath me, but this time it was in fear and not because he was seeking release.
I growled out in annoyance and he instantly stilled. Letting go of his wrist, I instead gripped the back of his throat, and straddled him, keeping him pressed stomach to the dirt as I started to jerk myself off before I was cumming hard, shooting my load on his upper back. I knew I had been an asshole by getting myself off twice now and not him, but I couldn't help the anger at being denied when it was obvious to us both what he was.

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