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It was all business as usual. I popped in the video game as Shadow sat in his usual chair that sat in front of the flat screen TV. He didn't act or look like the Shadow Ive known this last day. He seemed normal as he always was. Relaxed and not at all glaring me down forcing me to submit to him. Just Shadow.
I breathed in a sigh of relief as I decided not to sit in the chair beside him that I've always sat in, instead I felt it would be more comfortable sitting on the floor. While we waiting for the game to load, I froze as Shadow started running his fingers through my hair, stroking my head and down the back of my neck as if he were petting a damn dog. I looked back at him,
"What are you doing?" I hissed as he paused to look down at me, he was sitting back in his chair with his thick thighs open, barley fitting in the chair with his long legs stretched out, the controller balanced on one knee and I instantly realized I was sitting by his feet. Why had I chosen to sit so close? What had compelled me to sit on the uncomfortable hard floor anyway?
"What are you doing, sitting by my feet?" He countered with a raised eyebrow as he continued to run his hand down my head and neck and back again. Warmth pooled inside of me as I wanted to close my eyes and lean into his touch. With horror, I realized I had done just that. Gasping, I pulled away.
"Don't touch me."
"Don't fucking tempt me by sitting practically between my legs," Shadow jumped up and exploded, throwing his hands up in exasperation as the controller fell to the floor. "It's what you wanted!" It was unlike Shadow to have outbursts but this change was really, and I mean, really, changing us.
"You think this is what I want?" I snarled in disgust. He raised an eyebrow in that annoying way he does and looked down my body. I followed his look to see my pants tenting in the front. Of course; what was new?
"You not only want it, you like it," Shadows voice got husky as he licked his lips. "So sit back down."
My eyes widened as I tensed my muscles up, knowing all I wanted to do was sink back by his feet and have him stroke me as he did. To feel comfort like that again. I glared at him instead.
"I think you should leave," I informed him.
"Dammit Kai, we aren't doing anything wrong. You like it. So what's the problem?" Shadow asked, looking hurt. The audacity! I hated how much I could read him. To anyone else he would look emotionless, like stone as he looked at me. But I saw it like a spark in his eyes.
"The problem is that not your little bitch," I hissed out.
"That's exactly what you are," Shadow shot back and we both froze. He shook his head and winced. "That's not-"
"Get out," I pointed to the door for dramatic effect. "Now," I deadpanned when he opened his mouth to argue.
Shadow looked like he was about to argue but then we heard the front door open. Smelling the air we both knew it was my dad.
"It's all his fault, I should kill him now," Shadow commented, as if we were talking about the weather. The night he beat the shit out of my dad as a boy filled my mind as I shook my head. I could still hear my mother screaming bloody murder. Louder for him than she's ever done when my father would beat on me.
"No, don't," I grabbed his arm.
"Why not?" He looked down at where I gripped him, causing me to let him go with a curse. Damn him. "He's the reason you're holding back."
"What? No he's not!" I whispered shouted. "I don't want this. Me. Not because of him."
"You don't want me?" Shadow cocked his head ever so slightly. Staring into to his eyes were like standing in front of the ocean in the middle of the night, just seeing endless darkness. I've never paid this much attention to his eyes, to his face. His lips...
I wanted to rip my hair out in frustration. "Shadow," I warned. "Stop it." Stop making me feel like this! Stop saying shit to me like I'm some chick! Stop making me feel this way.
What I felt wasn't his fault, I knew that, rationally. But everything was happening so fast; and it was all downhill since Shadow kissed me, since our moment by the water. I felt as if I were being sucked into quicksand and the more I struggled, the faster it pulled me to its depths.
He nodded slowly, looking away from me. My heart skipped a beat. Probably out of fear of what he would do now. Of what I would let him do. Or worse, beg him to do. I was at his mercy these days, regardless of my words I knew he could make me fold easily. Which was the scariest part of all.
"Then remember how much you don't want me," his eyes danced with amusement but his expression remained the same as he reached out a brushed his hand over my hard on that was pressed against my jean zipper. My eyes fluttered as I tried not to moan and make a fool of myself. "And don't forget this conversation tomorrow." And with that he slipped out the room leaving me confused. What did he mean? I instantly became suspicious as I tried to follow him downstairs but found he all but disappeared as my dad grinned at me.
"It's been two weeks since you're birthday, and son," he came up to me to slap a hand on my shoulder. I all but flinched away not forgetting how those hands used to beat me to a bloody pulp before I met Shadow. " I smell alpha on you," he said and I all but choked as he pulled me into a hug. "You're mother and I are so proud son. We knew you'd become alpha. Everyone at the pack meeting this weekend is going to be envious."
It worked. Shadows bite actually worked. I sighed in relief as Dad, in his flannel shirt and plain jeans with hair cropped close to his head, pulled back, still smiling, his face wrinkling at the corners of his eyes. I felt light on my feet as he looked at me for the first time in my life as if he were proud of me. As if I had accomplished something great for once in my pathetic life. As if he could finally love me now that he knew for sure I was an alpha. "I'll call your mom. We will go out to celebrate." The moment passed very quickly as my mood came crashing down from the high moons, as I remembered all over again I was the very opposite of an alpha.
Omega. The word bounced around in my head like an accusation.
The rest of the night when dad made sure we splurged on dinner; I wondered how they'd both react to the fact that I wasn't anything more than a bottom bitch who was being bitten by a real alpha. The very person my dad hated the most. Who my mom, all but five foot tall with short cut brown hair, feared since that night, treating him like a wild animal that at any moment would strike out and bite.
Would she look at Shadow and me the same? Would my father murder me when he found out?
And how the hell was I supposed to fool a whole pack; filled with all knowing adults, when Shadow was all but pissing on my leg in a show of ownership?
When I laid down to sleep that night and thoughts of Shadow filled my head as I tried to get off and couldn't, I cursed him again as his words filled my head. Was this what he meant? Damn him.
Did he know how close I was to running across the street and sneaking into his house, his bed and begging him to let me cum?
He probably did; the smug bastard.
The dark look in his eyes when he asked me if I wanted him. Or didn't want him, stayed with me. It was the last thing I thought about before I went to sleep and the first thing I thought of when I woke up.
Damn him. He wasn't just after my body, I realized, but all of me. He didn't just want to claim me, he wanted to consume me.

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