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"No, he can't do this," I hissed in distressed, pacing back in forth in front of Shadow who looked pained as he sat at the end of our bed. "That means now? I have to go over now? And you didn't think to mention this last night?" I needed to prepare mentally after all. Shadow showed no remorse on his face.
"I didn't want to ruin your night."
"I can't. I can't do it." I crossed my arms, knowing damn well I was going to have to march across the street anyway because it's what the alpha wanted and if we denied him, it would cause a lot of trouble we didn't need right now.
"Then we pack up. Leave town early," Shadow stood up quickly, already moving to the closet to pull out two duffle bags like he was waiting for this moment.
I crossed to him and grabbed his wrist to stop him. My heart rate spiked and I wondered if my body would ever stop reacting so much to being so close to Shadow.
"Fine, I'll go."
"No, I've let this go too far. We tried it your way, now the fucker is making demands of you. And I don't like that. We're packing or Im killing him. But I won't have you being controlled by them." Shadow sneered and a cold feeling came over me as I realized Shadow was deadly serious and the alpha side could come out, force me to submit and drag me along with whatever he wanted. And just as we were making progress around here. School was going to be done in no time, we'd graduate, go to college and have time to figure out what pack we wanted to join from there. But for now, as fucked as it was, this was home. My eyes quickly looked around Shadows room that had become our room. Would we be forced to live out of motels, the forest and in abandoned homes if we ran now? What would our future be like? Would it all work out or would we end up resenting each other and our situation?
"Shadow," I spoke softly as one did with a stray aggressive dog, "it's ok, I do miss my mom," I said with sad undertones in my voice, hoping I sounded truthful. It was the truth, but I didn't miss her enough to desire to go around my dad. She was my mother, she was supposed to save me, and she didn't. She just watched and cried. That's all she did. And I know it wasn't her fault, but some part of me felt a deep rage that I knew would require therapy to work out. Shadow softened, talking a deep breath, dropping the duffle bag from his clutches.
"Fine. But this is the last time I allow him to make demands of you. And the moment your father says anything to put you down, I'm snapping his neck."
I let out a bark of laughter, throwing myself into his arms.
"Yeah, yeah. You're just a big softy arent ya," I pulled back and ruffled his hair. His expression softened as he looked into my face, using the back of his hand to stroke down my cheek.
"I'll do anything for you Kai, I'll do anything to keep you safe."
The words should have comforted me but I felt a knot in my stomach from how he was looking at me. I couldn't quite place it. This feeling. Part of me was jumping for joy, so happy to have Shadow, so glad I didn't push him away. But another part was screaming at me to run, that my freedom was in danger. That at any moment he was gonna go caveman style and hit me over the head, dragging me to a den and tearing apart anything that approached; locking us inside. I was both turned on and afraid of that.
"Shadow, I'm strong, I can take care of myself," I huffed. Matter of fact, I made a mental note to start going to the gym every single day and become stronger than Shadow. He could have his alpha mind control, I'll have pure strength. And then he wouldn't live in fear that something bad was going to happen to me. "I bet if anything, it's going to end up being me who saves you." I called over my shoulder, leaving the warmth of his arms to head downstairs.
His footsteps followed me. "Better get this over with I guess."
Henry greeted us, a bowl of cereal in his hands, waving a spoon at us as he sat on the sofa legged crossed with an oversized red shirt and baggy worn ripped jeans on. "Where's the firing squad?" He mumbled around his bite of cereal as I opened the front door. I smirked calling that we will be back, Shadows body heat pressing into my back, so close to me while Henry was around it was as if he was glued, but at least he's been cordial.
"Kai," my mom practically screeched as I walked into the house. She was by the stove making pancakes, eggs and bacon. My father was sitting with a half empty plate in front of him. When he saw me he grunted, nodded his head. My mom shot him a worried look, but he only got up, mumbled about needing a shower.
"You stink too," he commented as he passed by, leaving the room quickly and it surprised me. Maybe he really did somewhere deep in his dark little heart care about mom and was trying to let her have her moment.
"Oh don't listen to him-" Mom pulled me into a hug and then recoiled, pinching her nose. "What is that?" I laughed at her expression. The axe spray strikes again. Where was Ash and his so called solution to my omega smell problem when we needed him?
Mom made us both a plate and it almost felt like old times. At least my father didn't come bother us and we made an excuse and left before he could change his mind.
"See? Not so bad," I said but had a bad feeling as I glanced up and saw my father in the upstairs window narrowing his eyes at us. When our eyes connected he pulled back. I had a bad feeling and it ate at me until we got in the house and Shadow started whining about wanting me to cook for him.
"Anything," he dragged me in front of the stove by my shirt as I hissed at him for wrinkling it. "Just cook." He shoved a spatula and pan into my arms before pulling away, crossing his arms and looking at me expectantly.
"You picked at the well done food my mom made just so you could get me to make you burnt toast with runny shell filled eggs?" I asked with a snort, knowing how well it went the last time I attempted to make a breakfast like my mother always made.
"I'll take anything you make," he said seriously, "and love it."
Fuck, he was sexy without even trying, looking at me expectantly as if I were a god in his world and anything I offered him would be a blessing.
"Not happening," I stuck my tongue out and tried walking away. But he dragged me back.
We went on like that before he finally gave up.
"What's it going to take?"
"How about asking nicely, with please at the end?" I suggested laughing at his pout as I dodged his octopus arms. "And then I'll order ubereats," I added when he opened his mouth. He growled trying to reach me again.

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