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After showering and getting ready for my last year of school, I met Shadow out front and jumped into his Jeep. Everything in me wanted to avoid Shadow but when he texted and said he was outside waiting, I had ran out to meet him without thought.
Meeting his dark look as he leaned over and inhaled before smiling and putting his car into drive, I wanted to snarl in his face but held it in.
Finally, after a long silent car ride, we had arrived at the massive high school that I would soon be saying good riddance to.
We walked side by side, like always, and it felt as if we were back to normal as we talked about our teachers and classmates with annoyance.
"Hey Kai!" Claire's best friend, Kimmy called out and the girls next to her giggled as I stopped to smile at them. Claire and I broke up not too long ago and since middle school I rarely stayed single. It was a miracle to find a girl at school I hadn't messed with.
"Hey Kim-" I was cut off by a growl. My eyes widened as I looked over at Shadow who could barley contain himself and his hand twitched at his side like he wanted to strike out. "I'll catch you girls later!" I winked at them to distract them and smiled before grabbing Shadows arm and rushing us towards the nearest bathroom. No sooner as the door shut behind us, Shadow gripped the back of my neck and shoved me down with inhuman strength. I gaped up at him as I looked around, from my angle on my hands and knees to see we were in here alone.
"Stop it," I begged as I looked up at him, afraid to move as his whole body was vibrating as he looked down at me. "Shadow," I pleaded and he took a step back. "Dammit!" I exploded, standing up and backing against the door, heart pounding. "How's this going to work if you're growling at anyone who talks to me?" My face burned in embarrassment as my cock twitched at the intense, dark look in Shadows eyes. Damn him and his chiseled chin and his full lips. And dammit why was I thinking about leaning into his wide chest?
Shadow looked away with a huff. "My wolf doesn't like it. You need to keep to yourself until I get my wolf under control."
I pinched the bridge of my nose, glad that we didn't share any classes together. It would be a very long day if so and if the teachers even called on me, I felt as if Shadow would rip them a new one.
"Just because of what I am-" omega, "doesn't mean I belong to you-" I barely said it before he was on me, pressing me back against the door.
"You do belong to me Kai," he brushed his damn fingers against that damn bite, having to reach under my collared shirt I wore to cover it up. "To ignore that is a mistake."
Mouth dropped open and my eyes widened. "No Shadow. You're just a dog who smells a bitch in heat and once that heat is gone you'll be able to think clearly again."
Shadow grinned, a slow grin that caused heat to pool inside my stomach. "The heat will never be gone, you'll always be omega and I'll always be alpha and as long as it's my mark on you, you're mine." He pulled me into a rough kiss that, dammit, I melted into. It felt so good. Better than I've ever felt with anyone. I could feel my stomach, my heart, my whole body felt alive. As he licked his way into my mouth, I wanted more. But no sooner as it begun, he pulled away from me as he slipped out into the hallway.
I wanted to shout at him that I didn't want him that way, but it would have felt like a lie after how I just reacted to our kiss. As the front of my pants were tenting, my dick pressing so hard against my zipper I thought it would just pop out.
I stayed there for what felt like forever trying to catch my breath and my thoughts. How many times have I left a female panting and wanting more so she would come back begging? How many times have I cum inside of a girl, only to leave her without a backwards glance? I fucked and used my way through this whole school. Was this my punishment? To be treated like this by my bestfriend and left behind once used? I knew my karma would catch up to me one day, I just didn't think it would be in this way.
It took everything to go to class and not run back home with my tail between my legs.
All day while I was away from him, he was all I could think about. I couldn't focus on anything but the dread, embarrassment, shame and fuck it all, the excitement and lust that I felt.
And anytime we were together at school, he would growl at anyone who approached,  gripping the back of my neck during an encounter with my good friend, Kyle, much to my horror. But I played it off. Told everyone Shadow was dealing with some stuff right now. To leave him alone for a while and give him some space as he didn't want anyone near him.
But the damn truth was he didn't want anyone near me. Like he was guarding his favorite toy.
Gods, how was this going to work? And why was he so affected like this? It wasn't as if I were acting up as I had done in the woods with him. I actually felt normal around my peers. The same ol' Kai Ive always been. Not whining and begging to be fucked by anyone. Not unable to meet their stare. None of that omega traits showing now. It only appeared when Shadow was near.
It was Shadow's growls of warnings to those who got near us that reminded me I wasn't the same Kai.
Damn him.
I was glad when the school day ended, until I realized I had one more full year of this place.
There was no way I would be able to make it until the end of the year without someone learning my dirty secret. Luckily the whole school wasn't made up of werewolves or I'd have been busted the moment Shadow put a warning hand behind my neck when Kyle approached. If Kyle wasn't human, he'd have known instantly what that meant.
That Shadow dominated me; that I was his bitch. Ive seen it happen. How an alpha would grip the back of an omegas neck, how he'd shove him down until his face was pressed into the dirt as he growled at anyone nearby, as if to say, "I own him, back off." And the omega would lay there in complete submission.
I felt sick. That wouldn't be me. Never. Not me. Fuck Shadow, I cursed his name all day.
But the imagine of Shadow down on one knee, his hand on the back of my neck; holding me to the ground as he growled at anyone who came near me, filled my head and made me rock hard all day. It was painful as hell and I wondered when things would go back to normal.
If they would go back to normal.

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