Twenty Three

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We rode out to an eighteen plus club, I felt a lightness in my chest as Shadow reached over and squeezed my thigh before taking his hand away to shift his jeep.
"Someone from school might see us," I blushed as he grabbed for my hand as we walked up to the small line to get inside the club. The air smelled like cigarettes, alcohol and a hint of piss coming from the alley. The air around me seemed to pulse from the loud music thumping inside and the excited energy from everyone around. This was the only place high schoolers had a chance to drank alcohol at a public establishment. If you were in good with the bartender that was.
Which luckily, I was.
Shadow looked at me with his dark expression, his eyes a black abyss. "Then let them see."
"Are we really having our first date at a club?" I asked to change the subject: how could one little sentence from him cause a wave of horniess, I had no clue. But it made me feel flustered. I wanted to step away from him; everything about him was intoxicating, from the smell of his cologne to the mint breeze coming from his lips; and the way he hasn't taken his eyes off of me since this whole thing started. It was as if I were the only one in the world, as if I were the only scenery he wanted to look at.
"Beats the movies," he joked. "I can't wait until we leave this small town and travel, there's not much to do here," he scuffed, pulling me out of thoughts of Shadow. Fuck I was daydreaming about Shadow while he's next to me. Was this what obsession felt like?
"Travel?" I asked as we moved closer in line.
"Yeah, fuck starting a pack; let's just me and you, travel the world until we've seen and been on every corner of the world," his lips twitched up into a smile and I couldn't take my eyes off of them. Mainly because his gaze was too intense, but still. I must have watched them too long because he flicked his tongue out, licking the bottom of his lip and I wanted to capture it with my own.
As if reading my mind, his hand slid to the back of my neck as he pulled me close to him and licked the bottom of my lip, I sucked in a shaky breath and he flicked his tongue inside mine, kissing me hotly before pulling back. I could feel the tips of my ears burn as I looked away. I could feel eyes on us as we shuffled closer to the door; almost at the entrance, but I didn't bother meeting anyone else's eyes.
Was afraid to. Shadow just might kill someone. It was hard to predict what he was going to do next these days.
"ID's," the same burly bodyguard that's been here for years demanded and we flashed our cards. He nodded and let us through after paying the entrance fee.
The music engulfed us as we moved as one inside, Shadow had a tight grip on my hand.
"Maybe this was a bad idea?" I shouted at him, realizing his possessiveness was already showing and we just got inside.
Shadow shook his head and gave me a quick smile. "Nah, I'm chill, let's go," he said directly into my ear before pulling me toward the bar.
Miss Lee, as we called her, a tiny Asian woman in a leather vest and skirt with piercings all over, from her eyebrows to her bellybutton and possibly beyond, with long silky black hair bounced up and down as she waved at us. She turned away, grabbing two beers and then pouring two shots, shoving them towards us with a smile and a wink before going to serve others. It was too busy for her to stop and chat tonight, but usually when that happened she served us on the house.
I grew up going on play dates with her younger sister, so we were well acquainted.
We took our shots without a word, me making a slight sour face while Shadow's face remained blank. His eyes tightened slightly but if you weren't me, you'd never notice it. I smiled at him as I started head bobbing to the music. When he picked up his beer I was mesmerized as he flicked his tongue around the rim before he tipped the beer up and in three swallows finished it off. It was a party trick he learned a while ago.
"I should have known you were gay this whole time, by how well your throat opens up like that," I joked, and he gave me a lopsided smile.
"Exactly. You are pretty slow sometimes Kai," he leaned forward and captured my lips with his own. I loved the feels of his wet lips against mine and couldn't stop the moan at the back of my throat as he danced his tongue over mine, it felt like the dirtiest kiss I've ever had as his hand came up to my throat and gave a light squeeze before it felt like he started devouring my mouth.
"Whoa! Now that's fucking hot!" I pulled away and looked over in shock as Miss Lee was standing behind the bar beaming at us. "Please continue, this is better than anything I can find on the gay web."
"Aren't you a lesbo Miss Lee?" I shouted over the music at her. It was surprising you never lost her voice from being forced to shout to talk to customers.
"News flash! Lesbians are the biggest consumers of male gay porn," she joked, slinging more shots our way. She had one herself and she held it high, "now salute!"
We found ourselves drenched in sweat from dancing, alcohol heavily on our breaths from all the drinking we had to do to get a good buzz going, and feeling high off each other, we were practically panting as we got out of there, the night chill of the air breezing over us, cooling us down as we made our way back to his jeep.
"Stop at the drive through before we get home," I demanded after he pulled out of the parking lot. "And next time we should have a candle lit dinner. Dress up in suits and all, you'll open the door for me and have flowers and we will go to the fanciest restaurant in town," was I slurring my words? I wasn't sure, I was at a stage of unsure of how drunk I actually was.
Shadow let out a loud laugh as he pulled up to the nearest open late fast food joint.
"No take backs. We are doing that next weekend," Shadow announced before ordering us food.
I must have dozed off because when I opened my eyes were were in front of his house. Thanks to my werewolf dna, my buzz was slipping away and sobriety was already taking over.
"Hungry," I whined as I snatched up the greasy bag of food and started inhaling it at the speed of light. After chugging down a large soda, I sighed in relief. I felt back to normal.
Looking over Shadow was smiling at me. His face looked more carefree than I've ever seen it.
He reached a hand out and stroked my cheek, "I love you."
We've said those words before but it felt so much more different now. The words were heavy yet his tone was so soft.
I felt frozen from the weight of the words as he leaned closer, looking me deep in the eyes before brushing his lips against mine. "Im in love with you Kai."

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