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"It's the only way," I grumbled next to Shadow as he drove us to Claire's. "I don't have feelings for her, Shadow, it's not like that. But we need her."
His knuckles were white as he gripped the steering wheel. It would be no surprise to me if he went and just ripped it off. "We don't have time to think of anything else right now." We would barley have time to do what we needed before heading to the meeting. All thanks to Shadows need to dominate, we didn't leave the house for a good half hour once I mentioned Claire. I had to elbow and even punch him, which had been difficult. It wasn't until I climbed into his lap and passionately made out with him that he relaxed enough for me to explain my plan. And deeply apologizing for hooking up with Claire and reassuring him it was only to get him out of my mind and not because I was in love with her, but also berating him for using Blue to make me jealous which caused this whole chain of events anyway.
And then we were on the same page.
Omega scents were weaker than that of beta and alpha. Our scents strengthen over the years, growing stronger and stronger until our twenty fifth birthday, the age of true maturity. At that age, our scent was stronger than that of an alpha. But for now, it was weak and that would work to our advantage.
If Claire and Shadow mixed their scents with mine, other wolves would smell alpha and beta only. We would have to keep up with this for a year.
Beta's couldn't transfer their scent with simply a bit like an alpha could. So we had no choice but to go all the way with her.
"Why her?" Shadow hissed. An image of her trying to blow him popped into my mind, unwanted.
"You know why," I deadpanned, "she has a thing for both of us. And she's the only one we could possibly trust. If she doesn't agree or tells on us, we are fucked. But I can't think of anyone else -" my eyes slid over to his face and I growled, "and don't you dare say Blue. He hates me. So just get that out your head." Shadow's lip twitched up at that as with eyes still on the road. He reached over and gripped my knee with his warm hand.
"So we ménage à trois our way through this meeting? Fine. But you better think of something else because I won't be able to stomach this."
I reached over and squeezed his thick thigh.
"Just for tonight. It's not me and Claire. Just me and you," I reassured. I really didn't want Claire in that way anymore. It's always been Shadow.
"What if she catches feelings?" Shadow questioned. "What if she tries to blackmail us?"
I shrugged. " for now, we are out of time and options. This is all I can think of and it gives us time to come up with a way for us to stay together in our hometown and not on the run."
"Kai," Shadow had a warning in his tone as he pulled up to Claire's house. Her parents suv was gone, which worked out perfectly. And I could smell her and hear her heart beating. "We may pass you off as the one with the alpha scent, but don't forget for even a second who is in charge here."
I wanted to roll my eyes at him and just get out the car, but I sighed loudly so he knew I was annoyed by his statement but agreed anyway. "Just relax big guy, you're making me want to punch you."
"I don't mean to, just don't do anything with her unless I tell you too. No meeting up alone and talking throughout the night on the phone with her." Like we used to. My face burned as I realized Shadow was around to see how madly in love I had acted with Claire. I had thought something changed between us thanks to our wolves, but the more I looked back the more I should have seen it coming. Claire trying to touch him and me hating her so much for it, for touching my Shadow. For putting her hands on what was mine, was what truly angered me. Even worse, he had sat back and allowed it, was going to let her do it, smirked at me. But I couldn't get mad at him. Only wanted reassurance that he was still mine only. Had a flash of fear that the two would hook up and leave me as third wheel.
But when I cut Claire off, so did Shadow. And that had made me happy that he followed along with me. That he hadn't picked her over me and proclaimed his love or lust for her.
How long have I been delusional? All those times we were naked around each other, slept next to each other. But it's hadn't been physical, that's why I thought all of this was out of nowhere. We had an emotional connection and attachment this whole time. All those females I had gotten with, it was because I was searching for something, for a feeling.
One that I finally found with Shadow.
"Yes sir," I sarcastically said as I slipped out the car.
"Kai-" Shadow came out the car to growl.
"Kai! Shadow!" Claire came squealing, rushing down her wrap around porch. She ran right into my arms, hugging me tight. "Just in time babe, I just got out the shower."
Shadow grabbed the back of Claire's shirt and yanked her away from me. "Let's talk inside Claire," he said through clenched teeth as he practically dragged her by her arm inside the house, me silently in tow.
Instead of being scared, Claire was turned on. We both could smell it. Her getting wet. I smiled, knowing she was the best candidate. She obviously had a kink.
"So what's up guys?" She asked tentatively, looking over at me in confusion. The last time she had tried to get with both of us, we had shut her out of our lives for a whole summer. So she didn't want to seem excited or eager. "Kai?" She stepped towards me, but once again Shadow dragged her away. He moved towards the living room and sat down. Pulling her down next to him. At this point, she was really turned on. And so was I as I kept picturing what was to come after.
How would it be? Would we take turns fucking each other or would all our bodies melt together and move in sync?
Claire, recognizing that Shadow was taking the lead, turned her full attention on him, but not before I nodded at her when she looked at me for reassurance that I wouldn't be mad.
"Claire," Shadow began as he rubbed tiny circles into her knee, moving up slowly to her thigh as he spoke. "We need a favor from you."
The smell of her arousal was stronger than ever as I rounded on them and sat down on the floor in front of them. She bit her lip as she looked down at me.
"See Kai here has a small issue that he needs help with," Shadow continued as he leaned in, brushing the hair from her shoulders, leaning closer towards her neck.
Claire visibly gulped as she looked down at me with eager eyes. "I'll do it! I'll do anything for you Kai," she announced without hearing what it even was. I smirked. Has she always had such a dirty mind? Was reality just a living porno for her?
Shadow growled softly and her eyes widened as she looked over at him, eyebrows furrowed. "It's you, that smell," she sniffed the air as he pulled back slightly. "Your- but that - I thought Kai was the alpha scent-" she gasped, holding a hand to her mouth as she looked back at me. It hit her then that I had Shadows scent on me. And why.
"You've been fucking around!" She jumped up but instead of anger, she just sounded smug. "I knew it!" She gloated, "I knew I felt the sexual tension between you two." Shadow sighed as he pulled her back down on the sofa. Claire looked so small next to him. She was petite, pixie like.
"Yes, you were right, and we are both sorry for treating you badly, for giving you the cold shoulder, right Kai?" Shadow asked, finally giving me the ok to speak. Ugh annoying.
"Claire, I wasn't ready for the truth back then, but I know now that I want to be with Shadow."
Her arousal seemed to disappear as she looked at me sadly. "Oh," she said as she fiddled with her sunflower dress. "You're here to break up with me aren't you?"
"Yes Claire, I'm sorry," I wanted to hug her but held myself back. "And even shitter, I'm here to ask a favor," I hesitantly said, quickly explaining to Claire what we wanted a threesome. She smirked at me when I finished talking. "I'm sad to have to let you go Kai, but I knew this would happen," she looked between us sheepishly, "and I was hoping I could be in the middle when it did," she all but squealed.
I looked to Shadow to finish. Knowing he wanted to take the lead on this.
He grinned as he pulled her dress up, high on her thighs. Her cheeks flushed as she looked at him in amazement. "Kai, why don't you show her what we really want from her," he spoke to me as he reached down and pulled her knee to the side, widening her legs.
I had full view of her naked pussy as she wasn't wearing any underwear. Which wasn't unusual for her. She always told me she wanted me to have easy access.
I stood up before kneeling in between her legs as she sucked in a breath and let her legs fall wide open now as she realized my intent. Kissing my way up her inner thigh, I reached a hand out to Shadow, and he took it, holding my hand and stroked it in reassurance.
"Fuck," Claire noticed and said before throwing her head back, scooting down slightly as she drew her knees up, she was half leaning into Shadow. "I can't believe this is happening. Kai," she gripped the back of my head as I started to lick at her , swirling my tongue at her sensitive bud. She was already gushing. "Fuck ye-" her voice was cut off in a muffled moan and I looked up to see Shadow with a firm grip on her chin as he shoved his tongue down her throat.
It made me extremely jealous. I didn't want him touching anyone but me.
This is your idea, I had to remind myself as I aggressively attacked Claire's clit with my tongue.
Her moans filled my ears as I closed my eyes and went to work.
"Stop," Shadow commanded softly and I instantly pulled back, noticing he had pulled the front of her dress down, and started playing with her pink blushed nipples. Just looking at him, I knew what he wanted from me. So I obeyed, climbing slightly up Claire's body as I kissed and licked my way up, before latching onto the nipple that Shadow had been squeezing and rolling between his fingers. She hummed her approval before reaching out and gripping the back of my hair, pulling me off her slightly so she could lean down to kiss me.
But Shadows hand wrapped around her neck and her attention was forced on him as he flexed, tightening his hold.
"You're not a very good girl, are you Claire?"
She whined at the back of her throat as Shadow looked over at me and nodded so I continued in licking and sucking on her nipples. "Oh yes," her voice came out breathy as Shadow still had a tight squeeze on her neck. But she seemed to love it as she bucked her hips up to try to seek friction. The smell of her arousal sat in the air like a perfume.
"Don't you understand Claire? You both move when I tell you to move. No sooner, no later. If you want a kiss from Kai, you ask me permission first."
"I'm sorry," she moaned.
"You don't look very apologetic, Claire," my eyes connected with Shadows and he nodded his head to the side. Which was my cue to slid next to her, leaning back against the couch as I started to unzip my jeans. "Poor Kai, he's so hard, it must feel painful, why don't you help him out." He let go of her throat and she all but flung herself off the couch to move between my legs. Shadow moved closer to me, his body heat radiating off of him as he leaned down to kiss me, shoving his tongue into my mouth sloppily as I leaned into it.
"Ohmigod," Claire breathed out, "that's so hot," before she was pulling my dick out and sucking it to the back of her throat expertly, knowing her way around my dick probably more than I did. It wasn't until Shadow gave me a blow job, that I realized how small her tongue was. It didn't flick out to lick my balls the way Shadows tongue did and that was disappointing, but it still felt good, especially with Shadow tongue battling mine. I sucked on his tongue, pulling him into my mouth and he groaned, pulling away to look down at Claire as her blonde head bobbed up and down while she used one hands to help her out.
Shadow chucked me under the chin with a smirk before pulling his own dick out. "My turn Claire," he said, widening his leg stance and twisting her hair around his fist, pulling her towards where he wanted her.
Don't treat her like a rag doll, I wanted to say but held my tongue as she didn't seem distressed at all. If anything she looked like she was about to combust with happinesses as she tentatively licked around his head before sucking him down.
I couldn't help it, I've tried to hold back because Claire being here, and not wanting her to see me in a different light, but I couldn't stop the whine that came from me.
"Shadow," I panted as the deep need inside of me rumbled out. "Shadow." My hips bucked slightly as my body flushed with warmth. I wanted him to take me already. To fuck deep inside of me.
My cheeks heated in embarrassment, not only at the thought of him slamming into me, but as Claire looked at me with wide eyes. She started to pull away from Shadow, but he growled and gripped the back of her neck, pumping his dick meanly between her lips. "I didn't say you could stop Claire," he hissed and she made all types of noises as she eagerly went back to her task.
I leaned my head against Shadows shoulder as he wrapped his hand around my dick and started jerking me off. "It's ok Kai, we're almost there," he whispered against my lips before pressing his mouth to mine, his lips were so soft and full, I opened mine to allow his tongue in. Wanting to suck him in in any way possible. He gave me a final peck, his breath puffing out, before he released both his hold on Claire and I.
"Ok you two, to the bedroom, unless you want cum all over your parents living room furniture," Shadow addressed Claire.
We all rushed up the grey carpeted stairs to her room at the end of the hall. Her room was huge with a large California king bed in the middle. The one word to describe her room. Yellow. Everything yellow and white with sunflower patterns.
"Strip," Shadow ordered as he did so himself. I was out of my clothes faster than him as Claire stood and watched us.
Her blankets felt soft as I laid down first, or more like, was pushed down by Shadow. Shadow positioned Claire on top of me, before ripping her dress off completely, tossing it to the side. She gasped as she looked down at me, running her hands over my naked chest. I smirked up at her as Shadow loomed over us.
"Kai," Shadow warned, as he stood on his knees on the bed, flush behind Claire, grabbing her thighs he pulled her up as if she weighed nothing, her pussy was on full display. I groaned as I slapped my dick against her shaved pussy, feeling how wet she was without even pressing in yet. "Stop playing games, put it in," Shadow hissed and our eyes connected. I wanted to sink into her then but I paused, totally ignoring her as I stared into his eyes. Reaching a hand up passed Claire, I stroked his cheek.
"You sure?" I asked hesitantly, my cheeks flushing slightly as the reality of the situation set in. Here I was feeling embarrassed that in front of my ex girlfriend I was asking my best friend for permission to fuck her even though I've done so many times before. As an answer he growled and pushed her down onto my dick that I still held in my other hand. Claire and I both let out a sound of pleasure as her heat wrapped around my cock and tightened when Shadow let go of her. He held her hips from moving, and I didn't dare make a move either.
"Ask permission to fuck what's mine Claire," he licked her neck and whispered to her.
"Can I fuck him?" She whined, trying to buck her hips before he could answer. He tsked at her.
"No self control, maybe I need to remind you who is in charge," as soon as he finished speaking she gasped out, her eyes wide as she wiggled uncomfortably.
"Claire?" I asked, confused, feeling tortured and wanting to pound into her slick heat. She grunted and I realized Shadow was pumping his fingers inside of her asshole.
Blind rage filled me as I had a sudden thought. Was Shadow a virgin? Would the first person he fuck be Claire? I've never seen him with anyone. He had to be!
I knew there was a dark past, with his parents killers, they had tortured him and his sister, had their way with them, but that didn't count. That wasn't sex, it was dark and twisted.
But this, would he fuck into someone for the first time? Wasn't it supposed to be me?
I bit my lip from speaking out, from begging Shadow to fuck me in the ass, not Claire.
We needed this, quickly before the meeting!
"Does it hurt Claire?" Shadow asked, still holding on her her hips tightly to keep us from moving as he pumped into her, using how many fingers, I had no clue, but knowing Shadow I'm sure it was at least two.
She mumbled something I couldn't catch before clearly begging, "Please Shadow, let me move my hips, please let me fuck him, please!" She cried out with a squeak and I had a good idea that yet another finger must have been added in.
Meanwhile my dick was only getting harder and I was all but whining myself. My own asshole was winking at the thought of Shadow doing the same to me. Claire didn't seem to be in pain, instead she was panting with want.
"Go ahead you two," Shadow said before biting down onto her shoulder. I growled out as I gripped her hips and started pumping meanly away. How dare he bite her! I had to ignore so many instincts to buck her off and go straight for him. Shadow smirked down at me, leaning forward, causing Claire to fold on top of my chest, us all pressed together as he licking along my mouth, before deepening the kiss. Claire and I were moaning away, our bodies slick with sweat as we moved wantonly. I could feel myself getting closer and closer to the edge but knew I wouldn't be able to cum unless Shadow commanded it. Unlike Claire who cried out suddenly as her pussy tightened around me, she lay on top of my chest as Shadow pulled back, and away from us.
"Keep going Kai," he commanded and I was a slave to his words as I fucked her feeling her juices leaking all around me as Shadow went in search for something. But my full attention was on him rummaging around her drawers than in fucking her. He had to be looking for lube. I bit my lip to keep from telling him where it was, since he was almost to it. Didn't want him to get jealous and take it out in Claire.
"Kai," Claire whined, all but collapsed on my chest. I wanted to flip her over and fuck into her until I came, but I waited for Shadow, knowing his intent.
When he found the purple bottle, he came back behind Claire. Squirting a good amount in his hands, I had full view now as Claire laid on me, her head tucked into my neck as I watched him pushed lube coated fingers back inside her ass.
"Fuck," I hissed as he pumped himself, coating his dick before replacing his fingers with his cock. She tensed when he started pushing it. Her body pressed closer to me, her back bowing as she tried to escape the intrusion.
"Shadow," I warned looked at his huge dick, wondering how it would fit into someone so small. Claire sat up, tears springing to her eyes.
Maybe this was a bad idea. Who would want a dick in their ass anyway? The whole thing seemed so painful.
"Keep moving Kai," Shadow reminded me as he grabbed her by her hair, pulling her back slightly, turning her head he kissed her as his other hand wrapped around her throat. "Half way there," he reassured her as she tightened around my cock even further. Fuck, it felt so good. The musk of sex filled the air and it was driving me crazy.
"It hurts," she whined to Shadow as he nipped at her chin.
"I won't move anymore, fuck yourself Claire. Use us to get off," Shadow let go of her neck to reach between us, rubbing her clit. "Move Claire."
And surprisingly she did, she slowly started pushing back against him before bucking into me, keeping this up until she groaned out with Shadow, letting me know he was fully inside of her now as she started picking up the pace.
"Oh fuck, oh fuck," she cried as I stayed still, letting her move between us. "I'm cumming, I'm cumming," she cried out one last "fuck!" Her pussy tightening so hard against me I felt my dick might break off inside of her, as squelching sounds filled my ears, her wetness coming in like waves hitting the sand as she came once again.
"Good girl," Shadow sounded out of breath as he raised up on his knees, grabbed her hips and started fucking into her harder. She cried out as Shadow moved us. It felt as if he were fucking us both at the same time rather than him and me fucking Claire.
"Shadow," I worried about Claire, about how she was being hurt, I couldn't imagine taking Shadows large mushroom head much less his full dick up my ass, and here I was allowing him to abuse poor Claire's tiny body.
"Kai," Claire whined as she moaned against my neck.
"Tell him Claire, tell him how it feels," Shadow commanded as he pumped into her, causing her to press closer to me, if possible.
"Kai, it feels so good," she moaned out much to my surprise as I thought it was hurting her.  But I believed it as her eyes were nearly crossing, her mouth hanging slightly open, looking on the verge of cumming yet again.
"Shadow," I panted, feeling warmth in my belly and my toes curling. He leaned down, causing Claire to spread wider for him as she mewled from the movement. When he started kissing me long and deep, it felt as if the world blurred, as if Claire wasn't between us, as if it were just us, fucking each other as he moaned my name against my lips.
Claire was completely ignored but she didn't seem to mind from the sounds she was making as we made out, holding on to each other.
"Kai," Shadow chanted, and I could tell he was getting closer. "Come for me Kai."
Claire and I cried out as we came together. Shadow pumped a few more times, our bodies jostled by him before he came too, my name once again falling from his lips.
"So close," Shadow whispered and I pretended not to know what he meant.

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