Twenty seven

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Kai's pov (don't laugh at his sisters name Lmfaoo Shadow is just as ridiculous name as Sunlight)

Shadow's sister, Sunlight, rarely visits.
"Hey Sun," I tentatively waved afraid to anger her. She was the sweetest smallest thing but certain things triggered her and would set her off in a full blown wolf out rage. It was best to always walk on eggshells around her.
Not Shadow though, as he gruffly asked her why she was here. It sounded rude coming out of his mouth and I gave him a sharp jab in the ribs with my elbow as I walked passed him.
"Need any help with bags? Are you here long?" I asked knowing what the answer already was.
She shook her head no as she closed and locked her car. "Just popping up, checking on things," she commented as she looked up at the house. She looked like the female version of Shadow. Only her nose was different, like a bunnies which she got from her mother, from the pictures I've seen at least. Her hair was pushed back in a black headband, her hair falling just below her shoulders and was the same black as Shadows. She stood tall, like a model and was almost as tall as me. We all could line up and make a perfect cellular signal bar.
There was a light scar at her throat where Shadow told me she was cut deeply, so deep it left a scar which is rare for werewolves. It was on the night of their parents death and the night that would be the most traumatic for the two.
So much so, they never seemed to like to be around each other for more than a few hours at a time. If that. They never spent holidays together. As Shadow would always spend it with me.
She never even slept in the same house, even before she ran off to college, she used to always sleep over friends houses or her hookup at the time.
It wasn't as if they hated each other. I could tell how much they loved each other as their eyes connected and they shared a small smile.
"Let's go inside, is there anything that needs repairing?" She said, all business as she headed for the front door, taking out her set of keys she unlocked it and with a quick glance at Shadow, I followed her inside, him close at my heel. Sunlight seemed to inspect the house, looking for what, I had no idea.
Probably any leaks, any holes as she was responsible for making sure the houses upkeep.
"I would tell you right away if there was an problems," Shadow said and it seemed to me he was implying she didn't need to show up like this.
Did he hate seeing her? Or did he know she hated coming to visit him?
She makes a "mmm" sound at the back of her throat as she walks around, seeing for herself. Both of us trailing behind her.
She was like a ghost after all, here one second, gone the next. Sometimes I forgot she existed.
"How's school?" She asks.
"Got perfect grades, I never skip," he lied. He was an average student and he was always skipping. It wasn't as if he wasn't smart it was that he wasn't interested. Once told me it was too easy, he didn't feel challenged.
"Kai?" She glanced back at me once we reached the kitchen, leaning against the counter and crossing her arms. "Is this true?"
I gulped and nodded as I looked her in her eyes, the same eyes Shadow had. The same shape and look inside of them. Darkness swirled there as she narrowed them. In three steps she was in my face, holding my chin and peering into my eyes.
"You're a horrible liar Kai," she grinned as my face felt tight. Something about her scared me. There was a wildness in her eyes, I doubted even she knew what she would do next. My eyes flickered to Shadow's face, waiting for him to growl out a warning like he does with literally everyone. Even when my mom had kissed my head goodbye the other day I noticed Shadow's face twist in anger.
So it was a shock he allowed Sun to come close to me like this.
She stepped away, suddenly interested in the stove top. Shaking her head, she shot a look at Shadow.
"Do I need to hire a maid? This is filthy," she commented, slipping her finger top over the glass top stove. "Super oily bro."
He shrugged. "If I had known you were coming, I'd have cleaned better." Making a dig about her not calling to texting him.
"You should clean better regardless if I'm coming around or not. Your future partner will thank you," she shot me a knowing grin and my face instantly flamed as she walked out the kitchen. I stood frozen in spot and so was Shadow as we listened to her climb the stairs.
Oh right. My shoulder relaxed. Her nose probably picked up on our scents mixing together. Any wolf would know we were together. The fact that my parents haven't mentioned it yet was very telling. They didn't want to acknowledge it. That realization hurt.
They must have convinced themselves it was Claire we were having sex with and not each other. That their only son couldn't possibly be bending over for another man.
"Don't worry she'll be gone soon," Shadow muttered and I couldn't tell if he was reassuring me or himself.
I hated how their trauma tore them apart from each other, it made my heart bleed for them. It must have been horrible to have gone thru what they did together. No sibling should have to see the other like that. To have to watch the other get tortured and unable to do anything about it.
"We should do take out," I had the idea as I walked to the living room, Sunlight coming back down. "You should stay," I told her as she came down the last steps. "We can order in or go out-" Her face was already scrunching up as if she was pained.
Her eyes flickered to Shadow's and when I looked to him he was mirroring her expression.
What was it? For once I couldn't read Shadow and felt left out as they silently communicated.
Finally, they came to some decision as they looked away from each other. I could see a look of hurt flash across Shadows face before his mask slipped back in spot. Stony expression.
"I have to get back, sorry guys," she came and grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze, and once again I tensed, waiting for Shadow to snap, but it was as if we were back to the old times. Before he became alpha and I omega. He seemed chill, reserved. Sun stepped away and towards the door, looking back at Shadow.
"I deposited money into your account, a larger amount than normal. It should get you through the year, since all the house bills are on autopay from my account, it's extra you want to use." Sunlight gave a huge inhale and exhale. "After that, you're on your own Shadow. You're an alpha now," fuck she knew. But of course she did, she knew her brother more than anyone. Well not as much as me. Not anymore.
"Do you hate me then? For being this way?" His tone was dark but I could hear the pain in his words.
It was so odd to me that while my family would be overjoyed at me being alpha, and horrified at being omega. Shadow's one family member hated alphas more than anything in this world. But her hate for alphas has always been well known. Her refusal to be apart of any pack making it clear she wanted nothing to do with any alpha. There was even a rumor she was apart of an anti alpha group, that was more like a community cult than it was an actual normal pack. Any pack without an alpha was in danger of being taken out by wandering alphas or rouge wolves. So it was unheard of to have a pack with no alpha. I'm sure Sun managed to find the one existing one though.
Sunlights face softened, she went to step towards him but stopped herself. "I could never hate you Shadow," she said fiercely. "Id just hoped you'd never become one of them." She looked over at me and her eyes did harden. "You call me to take care of it if Shadow ever becomes... not Shadow." And then she was gone, shooting Shadow one last sad look, before leaving the words to hang between the two of us. The words that she didn't outright say.
She had my number she could have called me later or texted it in private. But she wanted Shadow to know where she stood. How she'd kill him in an instant if he allowed his alpha wolf side to consume him like most alphas.
Rage filled me as Shadow slinked up the stairs, looking down. How dare she make him feel low like that? As if they both hadn't gone through the same thing as if it was only her who was traumatized by alphas.
Shadow hated them too. He would never become like one of them.
Shadow was different. I knew that now, her saying my fears out loud like that, causing that look on Shadows face, made me realize that Shadow would never, could never be like the rest of the alphas.
His own sister didn't have faith, but I did. I believed in him.
A small part of me was glad that if by chance he did suddenly change, I would have a number and trusted person to call to come save me from a power hungry alpha.
And as I climbed the stairs after Shadow; hearing him turn on the shower, I felt guilty for even thinking it.

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