Chapter 24: Haha, he turned out to be an intimate old friend, no wonder.

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Although Su MiaoEr had fled without fighting, what happened just now was a wake-up call to Ji XiaoYu. When he was at home, everything was fine, but what about when he wasn't home, what if a thief came again? Like tonight, if he hadn't happened to be on guard here, the little white egg would have been stolen by that damn Persian cat.

Ji XiaoYu was so worried that he tossed and turned all night and didn't sleep well. Finally, he made up his mind. No matter where he went in the future, he would take the little white egg with him as much as possible, let the thieves try to take advantage of that.

He was already halfway through the incubation process, so in five months the chick would come out of the shell, jiayou!

Fortunately, the next day was a rest day and he wasn't on duty, so Ji XiaoYu slept until noon. After getting up, he puts the little white egg into the canvas bag, and then added the money that Cheng YuTang gave him yesterday. He then went to HongSheng with the bag on his back, to eat a combined breakfast and lunch there. After eating, he asked Liang ShaoGang about a driving school and then ran to a driving school nearest to HongSheng, to sign up, pay, and make an arrangement for the class time.

Cheng YuTang had given him a total of 6900 yuan, so after registration was completed, there was still 900 left over. Ji XiaoYu secretly planned not to give it back to Cheng Zong at first, keeping it for himself and waiting for the first month's salary, when he would be reimbursed and could then pay Cheng YuTang back.

After all, he had no money on hand and he was panicking inside. It was currently October 20th. HongSheng only paid wages on the 8th of every month, so he was going to have to last for nearly three weeks. It was inconvenient not to have any money on him; he couldn't even ride the bus. Yesterday, when Cheng YuTang gave him the money, he also didn't say exactly when to pay him back, so it shouldn't be a big problem to drag out paying him back for a few days.

After registering, he returned to HongSheng and Ji XiaoYu went to Fang DaXing to report on the driving lessons. Probably someone had already informed him because Fang DaXing didn't object, though he was obviously not very happy, complaining that he didn't do a good job after he arrived and that he had to clean up his mess from causing trouble. Ji XiaoYu was imagining the beautiful scene of driving in his future, completely ignoring the team leader's complaints.

Because Ji XiaoYu's driving lessons were scheduled for each morning, Fang DaXing had to rearrange his schedule to every afternoon from 2pm to 10pm. This shift was good and Ji XiaoYu was very satisfied.

So from the next day on, Ji XiaoYu went to work while learning to drive – with his own little white egg coming along with him.

In late October, autumn swung in with a few rain storms and cold weather. The security department issued a new seasonal uniform coat. Ji XiaoYu usually put the little white egg in his pants pocket. The little white egg was small in size, so it couldn't be seen beneath the hem of his coat. When he walked around, he felt the little white egg closely attached to himself, which made him feel extra at ease.

Time passed by quickly. On November 8th, Ji XiaoYu finally received a 4500 yuan paycheck for his first month of entering HongSheng, plus nearly 600 yuan of overtime. The 6000 yuan cost of the driving lessons was also block reimbursed at the same time. In this moment, he was almost so happy he could dance. Oh, papa, it wasn't easy, but he finally got a little money!

Wages and reimbursement were directly credited to an individual's personal bank account. Ji XiaoYu had learned this lesson the last time. He didn't cash in all the money though, he took 7500 yuan out. Six hundred yuan was kept to deal with daily expenses and he was going to look for an opportunity to return the remaining 6900 yuan lump sum to Cheng YuTang.

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