Part 10 || hanging out

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Sunghoon's POV

I tried catching up to y/n but she slammed the door right away. Ugh. I went inside my house and went to my room. I looked out the window and I was shocked with what I saw. What is Jake doing there?! I saw Yeji and Jay but I knew that Yeji was coming over to their house to hangout with Jay, but Jake? What the fuck is he doing there. I unconsciously clenched my fists tightly angry at why Jake was there. Y/n entered the room and she looked shocked to see them. They instantly hugged her and she started crying? I have so many questions, 1 why is she crying, 2 does Yeji, Jay, and Jake know why? 3 why does Jake know and I don't and 4 why am I even mad at Jake?

I continued watching them and y/n cried on Jake's chest, I couldn't help but to grit my teeth and clench my jaw. I'm the one and only who who gets to comfort her. These thoughts unconsciously came into my head. Jay and Yeji left and Jake and y/n sat on her bed. I scrunched my eyebrows down with the scene in front of me. Jake pulled out bun bun and y/n smiled fixing his bow tie. She said something making them both laugh and y/n suddenly hugged Jake. My face softened and I slumped down, why am I so affected by this? Jake received a phone call and he left. 

I wanted to go over there and ask her but there's a reason why she's not telling me. I let it go and slumped on my bed. I stared at the ceilings thinking about... well everything. Am I catching feelings for
y/n? But why now? Out of all the years I've known her why now? Why was I so affected when Jake hugged her? I closed my eyes trying not to think about it but ended up falling asleep

<next day>


Jay: "WAKE UP!" He screamed in my ear making my eyes shoot open and also making me fall of the bed

Y/N: "what the fuck?!" I look up at Jay just to see him laughing his ass off "not funny now what do you want" I got up and sat on the edge of my bed

Jay: " I-I'm *LAUGHS* so sor- *LAUGHS* sorry *LAUGHS*" I frowned at him giving no expression

Y/N: "come on what is it?! If it's nothing I'm just going back to bed" I said going under my blanket but he just ripped it off of me making me feel the cold breeze again "ARGHHHH UGHHHH WHAT DO YOU WANT?!"

Jay: "geez chill, you sound like a gorilla but anyway we're hanging out with the gang later so get ready" I yawned

Y/N: "what time are we leaving?"

Jay: "in an hour" I looked at him wide eyed and he was just smirking. I jumped out of bed pushing Jay aside and ran into the shower "good luck!" Then he closed my door

Y/N: "YOU'RE SO ANNOYING!" I finished showering and dressed up as fast as I can. I placed on a bit of makeup and got ready with 10mins to spare. I came out of my bathroom and I see Sunghoon sitting on my bed

Sunghoon's POV

I climbed into y/n's room and I hear her close her closet inside her bathroom so I'm guessing she's changing. I jumped onto her bed making myself comfortable. I look over to my side and see bun bun. I held him in my hands and I recalled the memory when we were kids


Y/N: "look Sunghoon oppa, this is my bunny his name is bun bun. Do you like him?" She said showing me her bunny "hello Sunghoon I heard from my friend you're not talking to her" that was kinda cute "she's sad because you're ignoring her" I looked at her with a poker face "would you like to play with- *sneeze*" she suddenly sneezed which I found cute

Sunghoon: *giggle* she looks at me shock

Bun bun: "can Sunghoon oppa smile? I think he will look handsome if he smiles" I blush but smiled for her anyway. She's so friendly, normally kids would just leave me after they see I don't like to talk but she keeps trying to get along with me

Y/N: "you smiled!" She smiled brightly which made me just admire her out of interest

<flashback ends>

*sigh* the good old days... the door opened and y/n was shocked to see me. She looks so pretty all freshened up...

Y/N: "what are you doing here?" I stood up

Sunghoon: "we're hanging out with the others right? Thought I'd leave with you guys" I had the slight intention to show up with y/n in front of Jake but I just keep denying it

Y/N: "ohhh ok but where's-" *thump*

Yeji: "hey guys" she jumped into y/n's room and closed the window

Y/N: "now you're going inside my window?"

Yeji: "oh please you let Sunghoon come in here anytime he wants" we both looked at each other at the same time and looked away instantly. What's this weird thing happening between us like seriously!

<time skip; hangout>

We arrived at the mall and met up with the others

Heeseung: "ok so where do you guys wanna go first?"

Y/N: "I need some makeup so maybe I can go with Yeji?" I turn to my sister hoping she'd say no so I can go with y/n

Yeji: "can't, I'm going with Jay to get some new video games" we all looked at each other knowing what we were all thinking

Jungwon: "ok got ahead you two lovebirds"

Jay: "we are not-"

Jungwon: "yeah yeah whatever just go" he pushed them away to the direction of the video game store. Must be awkward for them *chuckle*


Niki: "all of us are going to eat does anyone else wanna join?"

Y/N: "you guys go ahead I'll just meet up with you later" I turned to leave but I felt a hand on each shoulder stopping me. I turn back to see Jake and Sunghoon glaring at each other and then they looked at me

Jake&Sunghoon: "I'll go with you" they both said at the same time letting go of my shoulder once again glaring at each other

Y/N: "uhhh you guys can come with me if you want" I look at them weirdly and walked ahead while they followed beside me. Why are they even acting weird?

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