Chapter 36: Crowd

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Jimin's pov

"What do you know" Suga rushed to the girl

the girl looked up to her and could only cry and beg for forgiveness

"speak please" Suga begged, shaking the girl violently

I stepped in to stop him, to help calm him down

"Hyung calm down, she won't be able to speak if you'll keep scaring her like that" I spoke

I turned to the girl and she was crying hard

"Do you know anything about Ellysa's whereabouts?" I asked

"Gab kidnapped her"

My hand trembled after she spoke, who is he? What does he want with her, I'm scared

"Gab was jailed, he developed a mental illness, and now all he wants and talks about was Ellysa, I couldn't say it to you because I have no other way to reach all of you, and he threatened my life, my whole family's, I didn't know what to do" She cried, Suga furrowed his eyebrows

"Do you know where he might've taken her?" The girl shook her head side to side

"But I am aware that he took her"

"What can we do officer?" Yoongi Hyung asked the police crying already

"We're doing our best to track this man, you need to calm down sir"

"How can I calm down when my sister could've taken her last breath?!" Yoongi hyung shouted, I held him down to a chair, and he finally went silent as he cried

I have to be strong, I need to find Ellysa, she's alive, she won't leave me

"Do you know if Gab wants anything? Money?" I asked the girl, and she shook her head

"She wants Ellysa, nothing else."


Gabriel's pov

"False alarm, the police isn't intending to be here" Jason opened the door making me stop midway

I looked at Ellysa's face turned to the side with her eyes squinting, I smirked and traced her jawline instead, down to her neck, to her collarbone and stopped before I reached her chest

"You're turning me on right now"

I can see her grit her teeth, her jawline contracting, she turned her head to me and glared

I laughed putting pressure on the knofe against her chest as red warm liquid emerges

"What do you want from me Gab, please don't hurt me" She spoke, pain evident in her voice

Ellysa's pov

Gab finally took the knife away from me, and I winced in pain, he licked the knife and smiled
"you are sick" I gritted my teeth and spitted on him

"Ellysa, marry me" I widened my eyes, before it softened

"Where is this coming from Gabriel? What did I ever do to you?" I asked him

"You left me Ellysa, you left me to find yourself a new boyfriend, that Taehyung is next on my list"

"DON'T YOU EVER HURT HIM GABRIEL" I shouted and it made him mad, so mad that he threw the knife across the room, wounding my cheek in the process

"it makes me want to kill him more earlier than planned Ellysa" he spoke as he leaned down to my height

I don't want Taehyung to be endangered just because of this fool, I'd rather be killed than them to be hurt

"Please, really, don't hurt them, just take me instead please" He stood up straight and nodded

"I'm easy to talk to Ellysa, thank you for giving in, in my request" He spoke before leaving the room

I don't know how much days has passed, Gab has been taking care of me, but I am still tied to this chair, he'd only let me go with caution if I need to go to do the bathroom, I could already feel my wrists getting wounded from all the friction with the rope, the door opened revealing Jason holding a glass of water

"the boss is out, behave yourself if you don't want to get hurt" Jason spoke, and I only nodded in defeat

I want to go home really, these are the times where you'll realize how much things in life I have taken for granted, you'll only realize it's special when it's taken away from you


Gabriel went out to buy Ellysa some clothes that he would want her to wear, He wandered off carelessly out of wit, until he reached a crowded appliances shop

Out of curiosity, he stepped in the crowd, pushing himself to the front, there he saw his face displayed on the television

"Min Ellysa from Blackpink has been kidnapped, the police is asking for your help, if you ever see this man, please report it to the police immediately"

Gab ran cold, he needed to go home, his face was being displayed probably world wide, He was about to run when a guy suddenly tackled him shouting

"THIS IS HIM, HELP ME TAKE HIM TO THE POLICE" The man shouted, Gab tried to resist but he was only held down by five other men, it was wrong to put himself in the middle of the crowd fully exposed

I need to call Jason, he thought

Gab was taken to the police in an instant, while Yoongi, Jimin, Taehyung, and the rest of blackpink came running to the scene

Upon seeing Gab, Yoongi charged at him landing a solid punch on his face, Gab turned to him while blood dripped from his lips

"WHERE IS SHE" Yoongi shouted pulling the collar of the other man

"What does this mean officer?" Gabriel said putting out a facade

Jimin pulled Yoongi away from the man, and held him down, he tried to resist but gladly Jimin was strong enough to stop him from getting any charges

"You have been reported that you are involved in the kidnapping case of Ms. Min Ellysa" The police said, and he only shook his head looking innocent

"It wasn't me officer, Ellysa's my friend"

"LIAR" Yoongi shouted still being held down by Jimin

"You can ask her members, I met up with her not too long ago, right Jisoo-ssi?" Gab said looking at the lady glaring at him

"Ever since Ellysa came back from that talk you had with her, she looked so distraught" Jennie spoke

"It's because I warned her about Jason! Officer you got this all wrong, I am innocent" Gab pleaded

"Settle down"

"I am innocent until proven guilty officer, this is against my rights" Gab exclaimed earning a sigh from the police

"You will be detained until you are proven innocent, we don't want to let you loose if you're the lead suspect" The officer said before telling the other policemen to take Gabriel away

"Officer don't tell me you believe him" Yoongi asked finally calming down

"Leave this to us sir"

Author's pov
What? still alive yes


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