Chapter 12: Together

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Ellysa's pov
"Good Morning Jagiya~~" I squinted my eyes and saw Jimin standing at the doorframe holding a tray, he walked towards me and placed the tray at my lap before sitting infront of me

"Jimin, I like it more when we'll have breakfast together with the others"I said and chuckled

"Nope, you won't be eating with them, I want to you all by myself"He said

"Selfish little Jiminie"I chuckled

"I'll be selfish when it comes to you jagiya"He said and smiled

I ate my breakfast and as soon as I finished it, Jimin took it and left my room

I took a bath and did my morning routine before heading downstairs

"Jagiya, let's have a stroll in the park"He said waving his hand

I smiled and ran to his arms

"Hyung, Noona"we turned our heads and saw Jungkook

"Yes kookie?"I said

"Mind if I join?"He asked looking at the both of us

"Sure, it will be fun"I said and looked at Jimin

"Y-yeah, why not"Jimin said before dragging me outside with jungkook following us


"Jungkookie, how was highschool?"I said starting a topic since the both of them are awkwardly quiet

"It was fine, I failed English but I'm confident that I'll do better the next time"Jungkook said and smiled

"Keep it up"I said and smiled before ruffling his hair

"Sooooooooooooo kookie"Jimin started

"Y-yes hyung?"Jungkook stuttered

"How was your sleep?"Jimin asked

"What kind of question is that?"I chuckled

"Stop it jagiya"He said and grabbed my waist and looked at Jungkook again

"It was fine, I stayed up all night cry-"He cutted his own words and just smiled at us

"Hey Dongsaeng"Jimin seriously stood up infront of us

"Hyung..."Jungkook was hurt, I can see it in his eyes but why?

"Jagiya, give us a minute"Jimin said and I left the two of them

Jimin's pov

"Jungkook, I thought we talked about this already"I started

"I know hyung, I'm sorry, she was my first love and then this happened"He cried, My heart broke seeing this, I hugged him tightly and patted his back

"Jungkook I'm sorry"I said

"What for hyung?, you didn't do anything, you deserve her and she deserves you, I'm happy for the both of you, but please, let's not make it awkward, you promised me there's nothing that's gonna change between our friendship"He said and I could feel his hug getting tighter

"I promise"I said as I broke the hug


"Yah!, it's your turn"Hoseok said as Jin walked outside the line to serve

The whistle blew and Jin hit the ball as hard as he can and it was recieved by Namjoon who passed it into Yoongi then to Jin again, the day passed as they enjoyed their stay there, it was fun for them, Jimin, Jungkook, Taehyung and Hobi are now in good conditions, it was the best vacation they had

-----~~~----- 3rd day -----~~~-----

"I don't wanna leave hyung!"Jungkook said holding Jin's arm

"Me too kookie, but we still have a tour going on and Taehyung and Ellysa are shooting for a drama, we can't stay here"Jin said disappointed

"But hyung!"Jungkook said

"No buts jungkook, we need to leave"Ellysa said chuckling at the boy's cuteness

"Namjoon, Jin, Jungkook, Ellysa hop in!"Yoongi shouted from the van waiting for them

They ran downstairs and got in the van, the whole trip was noisy, they were jamming to their own songs, they laughed together and told stories, the trip ended with full memories

Author's pov
I'm so sorry for being idle, I was just awaken by the sudden notifications, there was a reader named shortppl4life and I thought I should update because I felt bad but I even felt more bad because it was so short unlike my other chapters, Please forgive me, but I still hope you like it, it is lame, I'm sorry


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