Chapter 10:Fighting for her

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Jimin's pov
"Ok now that we're complete, let's all eat!"Jin hyung said and all of them followed, we sat at the chairs and Ellysa was seating across me between Suga Hyung and Namjoon hyung
"Thank you for the food!"Namjoon said and ate his food, all of them ate happily including her, it just make me so happy, I want to see her everyday, I want her to be mine, I want to be hers, and I want her to love me back, well, I guess it won't happen

"Jimin, Why are you not eating?, you don't like the food?"I snapped back to reality when I heard Ellysa said that

"Oh, Not like that, I'm just thinking of something"I said and gave her a reassuring smile

She just smiled back, after eating we decided to swim at the resort, it's so fun, she was playing at the water with her brother and it was the cutest thing I have ever seen, I was just watching them from afar when a random girl walked towards me

"Excuse me, are you alone?"she said

"Nope, I'm with them"I said and pointed the others

"Uhm ok, can I sit here?"She asked

It's really getting awkward and I don't want Ellysa to see this

"U-uh sure"I stuttered

"So what's your name?"She asked

"Park Jimin, and how did you get here, it's private"I asked

"Well, I'm Maddison Ford, the daughter of the owner here"She said

"Oh that's why"I said and glanced at Ellysa who was looking at us the whole time making me blush

"What's the matter?, why are you blushing?"She chuckled and touched my thigh that made me pissed

"Hey sto-"I was cutted off when Ellysa came and stood me up which made maddison stood up as well

"What are you doing?"Ellysa asked her

"It's like you care or anything"Maddison said and rolled her eyes

"Hey bitch, this guy you were touching is my boyfriend"Ellysa said and I blushed crimson red

"Oh really?, why don't you prove it to me then"Maddison said which made Ellysa raise her eyebrows

"Stop"I whispered but it didn't stop her, I guess she saw how uncomfortable I am earlier

"What proof do you want?"Ellysa said

"Kiss him" Maddison said and I widened my eyes

"Oh Jimin, why are you surprised?"Maddison asked

"I-I'm not"I said and lowered my head

"You know what, I don't care about you, so please leave or we'll call the police to arrest you and say that this man beside me was sexually harassed by Maddison Ford, the daughter of the owner of the famous resort for rich people, Mr. Ace Ford"Ellysa said

"Fine, go and enjoy"Maddison said and walked out

"Hey, Jimin are you ok?"Ellysa asked

"I-I'm fine, you shouldn't have done that" I said

"Don't lie, I saw how uncomfortable you were"She said and chuckled

"Thanks by the way"I replied

"They're done playing, how about we stroll at the beach?"She asked, unfortunately Yoongi hyung heard us

"Can I come?!"He asked excitingly

"S-sure"Ellysa awkwardly said

We started walking along the seashore and surprisingly Yoongi hyung was so talkative, is he really doing this on purpose so me and Ellysa wouldn't have the chance to talk to each other?, oh i know a idea

I grabbed my phone and called Namjoon hyung, I walked slower so they won't hear me

"Hyung"I said through the line

"Yes Jiminie?, where the heck are you anyways?"He asked

"I'm here with Ellysa and Yoongi hyung, and Hyung isa really distracting us, can you please call him and ask to go there and maybe talk to him for a bit?"I asked

"Fine"he said and ended the line

I looked up and saw them already far away from me, I ran up to them and Hyung's phone rang

"What for?"He said

"Fine"he said and ended the call

"So Jimin, you can accompany my sister now, I have to go"He said and as he walked pass by me he whispered

"You have my blessing, confess to her already, I bet she has the same feelings for you"He said as he completely walked pass me

"Jiminie"Ellysa said so I walked beside her

"Yes?"I said

"Let's eat Ice cream?"She asked

"Sure"I said as we walked to the ice cream parlor

Author's pov
Sorry for the short chapter, but I still hope you like it


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