Chapter 30: He's back

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Ellysa's pov

I can't help but to think about what happened between those two, they're already talking to each other now, even though I'm glad, I still can't help but be curious

"Ellysa, focus." My head bolted up and met Jisoo's eyes

"Oh yeah, I'm sorry" I continued singing, we're doing our recording today and I can't just focus, my brain kept flying around

"Can we take a break please?" I turned to look at Rosé and realized that I missed my part again

All of them stood up from their seat making me sigh, this is really bothering me too much, I shouldn't let this interfere with my job

"Yah Ellysa" I quickly stood up after seeing Mr. Lee come in

"Yes Mr. Lee?"

"What's wrong with you these days?, You've been acting strange and... I don't know, blank?" He spoke

I flashed a smile and did a full bow before speaking

"I apologize, I'll work hard" I said and he just left making me flop down to my seat


"Oh Lisa, where are the others?, I really wanted to apol-" I was cutted  off when she grabbed my wrist to stand me up

"Apol-et's go!" She said chuckling, she dragged me somewhere in the part of the building and as we enter a room, my eyes quickly fell on this guy's back facing me

"Oh she's here"

The man turned around making my eyes widen

"W-Why are you-"

"Here?, Just wanting to catch up"

"Gab I miss you!" I said and threw myself at him engulfing him in a hug

"We'll leave you now, I hope you'll be better when you go back" Jisoo said and all of them left, leaving me and Gab alone

"What brings you here?" I spoke cheerfully

"I thought I won't be able to speak to you since you're all different now" he said and ruffled my hair

"Sit here while I get you something to drink-"

"Nope, just stay here and talk, I don't have much time" He said and I did, I sat down beside him and smiled again, how I miss this guy

"So how are you? You look much more better" I joked making him chuckle

"Why? Am I not handsome before?"

"Don't make me state the obvious gab." I said and he laughed

"I'm glad you're still the same Ellysa" he said and smiled

"But the very reason I went here is to tell you something" he said making me furrow my eyebrows

"What do you mean?" I asked as my smile slowly falls

"Jason is back."


"We shouldn't have let that guy meet you, you're even worse now" Jennie said but I kept silent, Gab warned me about Jason, he told me everything Jason went through, while I was living my life in Seoul, Jason was in jail, Gab told me he raped someone and the thing that creeped me out was his reason that he mistook that girl from me, now that he's out, Gab became worried since Jason kept knocking on his door looking for me, that guy who Jimin fought with came into my head, could it be?, Is it him?, Does that mean, he could be anywhere and he can easily grab me every chance he gets?

"What did that Gab guy said to you?, You're spacing out even more" Rosé asked making me look at them

I just can't say that a rapist is after me, it will only worry them more.

"I think you should really open up now" Jisoo said making me sigh

I told them about Jimin and I and how our agencies approve of our relationship now, they all went silent before talking in unison



"You better tell him."

"If you're not forbidden to be together anymore then why are you stopping yourself?!" Lisa said

"It's not that easy Lisa" I answered back

"I'm not even sure if he still loves me like before" I said

" What if he does?" Jennie butted in making me look at her

" What do you mean?"

"I mean, what if he still loves you and it's just that he respects your decision on letting go?" She spoke again

"It's hard to take a risk"

"Jennie's right, if you're not going to take that risk now, then when?" Jisoo said

"I still don't know"

"Are you still going to wait until there are no chances anymore?" Jisoo said again

"If there's a chance, then grab it, don't let any hindrance or the absence of assurement stop you" Rosé said

I looked at them and smiled, they're right but how would I confront him?, He would be surprised and worse, he might reject me

"Just do it Ellysa, do it until you have the chance."

Author's pov
So I know all of you wanted an update but I couldn't since my phone broke and I'm just currently borrowing my mother's phone for the mean time to update, I feel sorry really, it's been months since I last updated and there will still be more months before I can update continously again, I'll get my phone this September so I hope you're all gonna stay with me until then, THANK YOU!


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