Chapter 1: Ordinary Life

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Ellysa's pov

The bright rays of the sun shone brightly on me making me squint my eyes, trying not to hurt my eyesight, I turned around before opening my eyes completely, glancing at my phone placed at the top of the nightstand, my head bolted up after seeing how late I am


Dashing into the bathroom, I quickly did my morning routine and went to school before kissing my parents' cheeks goodbye

Running through the halls of my school attracting the attention of the people around me, I run as fast as I can until it hit me

It's Saturday and my class is going to start an hour later

After realizing how dumb I am, I slowed down my pace and held my chest which was heaving up and down


I looked up to meet a man's eyes staring down at me


"I-I'm new here" he said shyly grabbing his nape and looked away

"Oh" I said standing up straight

"And I was thinking if you can show me the way to this class" he said giving me a piece of paper

Excellence, the name of our section

"Oh you have the same class as me, why don't you come with me?" I said

"Thank you!" He bowed down 90 degrees

As I have said, I walked him to my classroom and as we arrive infront of the door, I faced him momentarily before opening the door showing how wild my class is

"So this is where you're assigned to, bummer but once you get along with them, I swear your year would be damn memorable" I said making him chuckle

"I hope so, I'm Jung Gabriel by the way" he said lending his hand for a handshake

"Min Ellysa" I said shaking his hand

"We have foreign names" Gabriel said chuckling

"Yep, both long"

"That's why I'm going to call you Gab instead" I said

"I won't mind"


Before we start the class, all of the student council needs to roam around the school and check whether the class has their teacher or not, upon passing by a class, my ears heard chanting and shouting making me look at my bestfriend, Jeon Somi

(I gave the best friend a name! And yes you can imagine Jeon Somi from IOI before and Unnies currently, wait am I right?)

We both dashed into the room while going through the crowd the students are forming in the middle of the classroom, we both went to stop the two students fighting

"Stop it you two!" I shouted, I looked at the guy I was holding back and saw Jason, the kingka slash bad boy of the school, our eyes met and he quickly gave me his signature smirk

"You're in great danger, let's give these two a lesson Somi" I said and she nodded, the both of us dragged the both of them into the principal's office making them sit infront of each other while waiting for our principal

"Who told you you can show that attitude here in our school? You do know that we don't tolerate such violence here" I said as I passed my handkerchief to Jason after seeing his lips bleeding

"Who told you you can butt in though?" Marwin said making me clench my jaw, he was the one fighting with Jason earlier

The principal soon arrived and told us to leave, leaving the matter in her hands


Our classes ended pretty early giving us more time to eat, after buying foods Somi and I went to sit in a nearby table before we started to eat, we were too engrossed with our conversation that we didn't saw the upcoming nuisances

"Ellysa" Jason said slamming our table earning stares from the other tables

I turned to look at Jason standing beside us before looking back at Somi again, who cares?

"Well the school's queenka doesn't give a shit to the school's kingka" he said

"Oh, never knew you were this smart to know that" I said faking a smile at him, I saw how his jaw clenched before looking away feeling embarrassed

"Why don't you come with me?" Jason said grabbing my arm to stand me up, I looked at Somi and she was just looking down, she can't do anything about it

"Let go of me you horny bastard!" I yelled

"Oh come on Ellysa, we're meant for each other-"

"You heard her, let go of her" we all turned to look at Gab who just entered the scene

"And who are you? Do you even know me?"

"Yeah, that horny bastard Ellysa was just yelling to a minute ago" Gab said making Jason snort

"Give this guy a lesson" Jason said as his friends started holding Gab, one of them was supposed to punch him but they all came into a halt when I yelled

"Don't hurt him! I'll come with you" I said and looked at Jason

"You should've told me earlier" Jason said before starting to drag me to god knows where

"Where are you taking me to?" I asked, an annoying little smirk went to his face again

"To have fun"

"Fuck off-"

"Mr. Min and Mr Park, what are you doing here?" Mrs. Kim said, our principal

I looked at her with my pleading eyes telling her to help me out, thankfully she managed to extrapolate the looks I was giving

"She told me to accompany her to her classroom, she forgot something" Jason said smiling innocently

"But it's lunch and we all know our policy, no students at the building while lunch, am I right Mr. Park Jason?" Our principal said and quickly took my hand away from Jason

"I would like to speak to you Ms. Min" Mrs. Kim said before letting go of me, I looked over at Jason and saw how pissed he was

Following Mrs. Kim into her office, I quickly bowed 90 degrees infront of her before speaking

"Thank you Mrs. Kim"

"It's fine, just stay away from Jason from now on, we all know he's nothing but trouble"

Author's pov
I edited the whole story


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