Chapter 11: Can I?

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The both of them entered the ice cream parlor and was greeted by the staff

"Good day, may I help you?"the waiter said

"I'll have a simple vanilla ice cream"Ellysa said

"Ok now, how about you sir?"the waiter now asked Jimin

"A cup of cookies and cream would be nice"Jimin said and the waiter left with our orders

"So, Jimin, I have something to tell you"Ellysa started blushing

"M-me too"Jimin stuttered back

"I Lo-"Jimin was cutted off by the waiter who gave their ice creams

"Enjoy"the waiter said before leaving

"What was that?"Ellysa asked as she scooped a spoonful of vanilla while Jimin's head was hanging low

"I said I love you"Jimin said with all of his courage

Ellysa blushed and took Jimin's hand to intertwine it with hers

"Me too Jimin, I love you"Ellysa replied before they shared a sweet kiss finally fulfilling Jimin's goal

"Ohhhhh what is that?"Jin said pointing to the couple walking hand in hand towards them

"What's this Jiminie?"Yoongi asked with a smirk plastered on his face

"We're officially together"Jimin said and pulled Ellysa closer

Jungkook's pov

This fucking hurts but why am I smiling?, Why?, Why can't I cry like the others do

All of them congratulated the two

"Congratulations"I said and looked away

"Thanks Kookie"Ellysa said making me smile again

"Jungkook, Taehyung and Hobi hyung, may I have a talk?"Jimin said making me look at him

"What is it Jiminie?"Hobi sadly asked

"Come with me"Jimin weakly smiled at us and walked away from the others, I looked at Tae hyung who was clearly crying right now, and the way Hobi hyung's aura changed, from that jolly one to this emo aura and I don't like it

"Jimin, what's the purpose of this"J-hope hyung said as Jimin hyung stopped

"Sorry"Jimin said

"Sorry for what?"Hobi hyung asked

"I know all of your feelings for her"Jimin said and looked at us

"You know what"Me and Hobi hyung turned our heads when Taehyung suddenly spoke

"Congratulations, you deserve her, Destiny did this because it know that you, Park Jimin, deserves her, now, I know the three of us are affected and I hope it wouldn't affect our friendship, as long as you're happy and so as Ellysa, I'll be happy for you, just don't make her cry or else we might steal her"Taehyung said and smiled

"Tae"Jimin said and hugged Taehyung bursting into tears

"It's alright Jiminie, We're fine, as long as you're happy, We will be too"Hobi hyung said and joined the hug

"Hyung, just take care of her and don't make her cry or else I'll kill you"I said

They chuckled before letting me join the hug


"Yah! Why are your eyes swollen?"Namjoon hyung asked us

"We were uh....."Jimin hyung said finding a good excuse

"We were strolling near the sea but the wind blows and the sand got stuck in our eyes"Hobi hyung chuckled

"Pabo"Ellysa said and walked near Jimin as she wiped his eyes ang opened it big checking if there are still sands left

"How sweet"Hobi hyung said making Ellysa blush

Maybe it's the way it is, I won't have the chance again, take care of her hyung

Author's pov
Sorry for the short short chapter, I just want to update so you can keep up at the story and don't lose the interest at the story hahahah, I still hope you like it

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