Chapter 37: Dumb

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Ellysa's pov

Tears ran down my face as tiredness started to engulf me, I want to go home, take a bath and brush my hair, go to practice, perform, and do the other things, I didn't know how it went down to this, Gab didn't even tell me why he kidnapped me

I struggled to loosen the rope around my wrist, and I accidentally pushed the chair backwards making me fall, I felt a sharp pain on my back and as well as my head, before I even react, Jason went to open the door holding a plate, he sighed and helped me upright, He clicked his tongue, and sat infront of me

"Here, eat" He motioned me to open my mouth

"Jason.."I spoke slowly, his eyebrow perked up

"Why are you doing this? I know you were a bully before, but I know you're not that bad" I spoke and he chuckled, he placed the plate on my side gently and looked at me

"There's no use in saying these Ellysa, I'm too far in already, I can't back up now" He spoke

"I'm not asking you to let me go, I just wanted to ask you why are you doing this" I said, my eyes were starting to get heavy

"I'm in debt, whole lot of debt, Gab offered me to work for him in exchange of my mother's full recovery" He spoke, he was starting to get blurry

"Why did you agree to do dirty work for it Jason.." I spoke


"But I understand you Jason, I too would do anything for my mother, well that is if she's still alive" I said, He was cutted off and remained silent

"If ever these things come to an end, I can help you with it" I spoke, and he shook his head, he was about to speak when he noticed something

"What's with you? you're getting pale" He asked and stood up, he checked me and gasped

"Ellysa you're bleeding" He said

"Shit Gab's gonna kill me" Jason fished his phone out and it was the last thing I see before everything went black


"We tracked a number calling Gabriel's phone sir" The police said, Jimin's eyes lit up, Yoongi stood up filled with worry

"Who is it officer?" Jisoo asked

"It's named Jason" The police said, Somi who was with them gasped

"I know him sir, he's been meeting with Gab before this happened, there must be something" Somi said

"Track the phone officer, that dumb piece of shit must've used his personal phone instead of his burner phone" Yoongi smirked

The police agreed, and did their work, after minutes, they were able to locate the place, and all of the policemen went to the place, reporters were gathered everywhere

The police starting entering the place but was stopped when Jason ran outside carring Ellysa bridal style, gasps were heard, Jimin, and Yoongi tried to run to the man but was stopped

"Hand back the lady sir, or else we'll fire" The police spoke

"No! She might get hurt!" Yoongi shouted

It was a commotion, not until Jason shouted

"Please help her officer, she's been bleeding a lot" Jason spoke and the police approached them slowly, Jason then handed Ellysa to the police, and was arrested

Jimin, and Yoongi trailed Ellysa on the stretcher, she was bleeding a lot, she was placed inside the ambulance, and only Jimin was able to get aboard

"I'll meet you there Jimin!" Yoongi shouted and Jimin only nodded, the ambulance started to drive off and Ellysa was given first aid

Jimin was crying, it was like bucket of tears were being poured, He was holding Ellysa's hand like his life depended on it

"Ellysa please, give me another chance to fight for you, fight for me please" Jimin said and caressed Ellysa's hair kissing her forehead

Ellysa's eyes opened slightly, her eyes landed upon Jimin's crying face, She smiled slightly and used all of her strength to touch Jimin's face

"Ellysa! Ellysa please I need you to be strong" Jimin cried louder seeing her conscious, Jimin held Ellysa's hand against his cheek, and caressed it

"Don't cry Jimin, smile for me"

With that, Ellysa's hand fell

Author's pov
The story is about to end you guys!😭🤧

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2022 ⏰

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