Chapter 2: Christmas Dinner

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Seokjin and Jungkook are already at the front door pressing the doorbell and waiting for the door to be open. "Ara~ Jinie hyung, Jungkookie. Come in come in." The owner greets and invites them in. Upon closing the door, they look back at the two men and hug them both. "Oh I'm so happy that you guys could make it." He said and released them and showed them his boxy smile.

"Thank you for having us Taehyung-ah" Seokjin replied and gave him the wine that Jungkook bought earlier. Taehyung hugged Seokjin again as a gratitude. "Aww sweetie," said the elder and hugged his favourite person in the world while gently stroking his hair.

Jungkook cleared his throat as a sign that he is still there and that Seokjin is his. They both giggled at his action and Seokjin gave a peck on his boyfriend's lips. "So, where is your kitten?" Seokjin asked teasingly. Taehyung blushed and hit his hyung's arm lightly.

"He is in the kitchen hyung, doing some last minute cooking." said Taehyung as pointed towards the direction.

"In that case, I'll go and help him." Seokjin beams up and heads to the kitchen; but not before he ruffles Taehyung's hair - leaving Jungkook and Taehyung clueless.

In the Kitchen~

"Yoooong Giii Chiiii" greets Seokjin as he pops his head in the kitchen cutely. Yoongi who was focusing on beating his mixture looks up and blinks.

"Oh hyung, you're here?" He rhetorically asked and made his usual trademark :] smile. Seokjin pouts at his expression as it was a dull one; though in his mind he always thinks that Yoongi looks so cute when he does that - but one will never admit it.

"Yeahhh. I'm hereeee" he exclaimed as he did a silly dance. "So what are you making?" He asked as he peaks through the bowl.

"Dorayaki" He monotonously replied.

"For real? On Christmas? Why?" Seokjin asked curiously.

"Because I can." He simply replied, which made the elder roll his eyes. Couldn't care less with the younger's attitude, Seokjin quickly puts his finger into the bowl to taste the batter. With that, Yoongi let out a groan.

"Mmmm it's nice, however it needs just another smidge of salt and it is the bees' knees." He pointed out as headed to the sink to wash his hands and help Yoongi with the cooking; while Yoongi nodded and comply with his hyung's suggestion.

The dinner went very well. They had a blast in exchanging gifts, playing board games and seemed like they were starting to get rather drunk - except for Jungkook as he knows he will have to drive back later.

"Oh nonsense Jungkook-ah, you can sleep here." Said Taehyung happily. "Besides, I miss my Jinnie hyung so much" he pouts as he huggles around Seokjin's arm. The elder simply chuckles and squeezes his cheeks playfully.

However Taehyhung wasn't cunning enough to persuade them to stay. Instead, after 12.30am Seokjin & Jungkook left their house and headed to Jungkook's place instead.

In debate whether or not to have a mature content after this. lol

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