Chapter 9

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Sorry for the little lateness on this chapter. I kept changing the ending. 🙃🙃🙃 AND thank so much for the votes and comments. >.<


"Is this mine... Seokjin-ah?" He asked without hesitation.

They are now 50 centimetres apart. Jungkook glances at the baby bump before he looks back at Seokjin, trying his best to read the elder's facial expression.

"First you invade my privacy and now you are meddling with my personal life?" He stares deeply into Jungkook's eyes, filled with rage.

"I'm s-"

"No no no, you don't get to say that! And frankly, I don't even want to hear it. It will be filled with lies and meaningless sincerity." Seokjin interrupts.

There was then a moment of silence filled around them. Even when there are people walking past, it was so tense between those three.

Seokjin carved a cynical smile as he looked at what was supposed to be the love of his life; which made Jungkook taken back for a moment. "As for your question; Sorry to burst your bubble Jungkook ssi, but this little ducky's father is Jung Hoseok." Seokjin said calmly.

He placed his hand on his tummy and looked up at Hobi before giving him the warmest loving smile. "I see." Jungkook replied in a really low manner. "When- when will you be due Seokjin-ah?" this time, Jungkook didn't look at him.

"In late November." He simply replied.

Jungkook forced a smile as he looked at the both of them. "Congratulations to the both of you." Jungkook pats Hobi's shoulder before leaving the two and walks out the building.

Seokjin grips tighter on Hobi's hand as he bites his lips. Hobi was about to speak up before he saw Seokjin's eyes start to water up. He released the hold and placed his hand on the elder's back and stroked them gently. "Let's go hyung."

Silence was still deafening as soon as they entered the car. Seokjin's feeling was still all jumbled up. Why did I say that? Why couldn't I tell him the truth? Seokjin asked himself and somewhat regretted what he had said.

He then took a deep breath as he gathered back his sanity and emotions. "Ho- Hoseokie..." He finally speaks up. Hobi hummed in response. "Can we stop at the supermarket for a bit?" Hobi just nods and drives them to the destination.


Both of them finally arrived at Seokjin's house. He quickly opens the door as Hobi was carrying so many things. "Why did you buy so much stuff hyung?" The younger groan in pain.

"Oh shush! I'm making us some dinner, remember?"

"Yeah, and there are only two of us." He sighs as soon as he places the groceries on the kitchen counter. Seokjin ignores the taunt and gets to work.

Hobi couldn't stop staring at Seokjin all twirly in his own kitchen as he started cooking. "You're going to draw a hole in my forehead if you keep staring at me like that." Said Seokjin as he began to wash the vegetables.

Hobi chuckles embarrassingly after being caught red handed. Immediately, he went up to appa-to-be and help him with the cooking.

"Hobi-ah..." Seokjin calls out after 15 minutes into their cooking.

"Ye hyung?" The boy who was mixing something in the bowl looks up at him.

"I'm sorry that you had to be dragged into this." Hobi tilted his head slightly in confusion. "About what happened at the hospital earlier?"

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