Chapter 5

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UWOAH ! So many votes. Thank you so so much! Borahae ^_^

"Jungkook ssi" He called out, making Jungkook look up. Slowly he enters the room and approach him.

"Don't bother!" Jungkook commands, making him stop his footstep. "What the hell are you doing here?".

The man looks at Jungkook observing what is going on with him. Apparently he's drunk. Though he didn't think that at first as Jungkook is currently holding a box of banana milk on his hand. However that thought changes when he sees a bottle of alcohol next to him with shot glass.

"Your mother said you'd be here." He finally answered. "Something happened?" He bites his lips and slowly takes small steps towards the drunken man.

The question made Jungkook smirk. "As if you didn't know, Jimin ssi" and finished drinking his banana milk before grabbing the alcohol.

Jimin wanted to reply but he felt that it was best to leave it alone. Finally he reached up at Jungkook and slowly caressed his back.

Despite all the anger and curses he received for the last 10 minutes, Jimin ignores it and cleans him & his room up before forcefully lifting the boy up and bringing him home.

[At Seokjin's House]

There was a knock at the door when the three would look at each other guessing who might it be. Seokjin put down his chopsticks and slowly got up. Part of him was hoping that I'd be Jungkook at the door while the other part just doesn't feel like seeing him.

He opens the door to find Hoseok, showing his dimple smile. "Hoseok ssi?" Seokjin asked curiously. Taehyung & Yoongi heads perked up as they were curious to know the guess.

"Oh! Hobi-ah" Yoongi called out.

"You two know each other?" Seokjin asked as he looked at each other.

"Ye hyung. Hobi is my cousin." Yoongi explained. Nod in understanding, Seokjin invited him in and offered him some late dinner. "So what brings you here Hobi-ah" Yoongi asked before Seokjin could.

With that, Hobi nodded and faced Seokjin. "I am so sorry to bother you Seokjin ssi. I'm actually looking for Jungkook. I went to his house but he wasn't there so I'd assume that he'd be here instead." Hobi explained.

"I'm afraid he isn't here." Seokjin answered bitterly. Seokjin told him a very short version of the story and Hobi felt bad for coming at this late night.

After some assurances, Hobi ends up staying with them till late night. "Hyungie..." Taehyung speaks up. "I am so sorry but we have to go home now. Yeontan has been all by himself since this afternoon." He said, feeling so guilty.

"It alright Taehyungie. I'm going to be ok. And I'm sorry to, you guys ended up postponing your date today."

"Well you should be hyung. That means you owe us big time!" Yoongi interrupted making Taehyung hit his arm hard. Yoongi groaned in pain as he rubs his arm.

"Yes, I actually do." He answered guiltily. "I'll make it up to the both of you soon." He promised.

Taehyung faces shows how guilty he is on leaving Seokjin behind. Yoongi did plan on letting Taehyung but before he could speak up Hobi offered to stay & accompany him instead. "If only Seokjin ssi doesn't mind." He smiles nervously.

"N-no no. Not at all. Thank you Hoseok ssi." Seokjin smiles. Taehyung also mentioned that he will come by again tomorrow evening and received a loving hug and head pat from Seokjin.

Once they bid their farewell, Taehyung & Yoongi entered their car and started driving back to their house. Yoongi notices that his baby has been quiet for some time now and decides to speak up. "Tae baby, something wrong?" and place his hand on his boyfriend's thigh. Slowly he could hear soft sobs coming from Taehyung. As the questions were asked, Taehyung shook his head.

"How- how can Jungkook do such things. I am so pissed off" He finally let out his feelings.

"I know baby. Jin hyung is your best friend, you have the right to be angry."

"Jin hyung; he has always put others before himself; even now he is in pain he still worries about us instead and says that he'll be fine." He said as he wiped his tears.

Yoongi said nothing else after that and simply caressed his lover's head soothing & calming him down.

It's been almost 2 months since that unfortunate event and also a week after Jungkook & Jimin's wedding. Of course they all knew as it was all over the news. It ought to be grand as Jimin's comes from one of the richest families in Korea while Jungkook's father has a large business in hotels & tourism.

What's more Jimin is now working alongside Jungkook as he is now Jungkook's right hand man - after Hoseok quit the company and worked with his cousin instead.

Seokjin was distraught, yes; but he could never show it. He know it will be best for him to move on with his life. However this past few days Seokjin has been ever so cranky and he is somehow emotionally unstable. Taehyung & Hobi has been noticing it too but thought it's alright to let him be; thinking he may be letting out his feelings.

"Taehyung-ah..." he whined cutely. "Want to go and grab some Ben & Jerry ice cream?"

"What? Now? Hyung, it's 10.30 and the mall is closing." Making Seokjin pouts.

"Fine! Then what are you eating now?" He peeks at Taehyung's hand. "It's cheesecake hyung. Want some?" He asked as he hands over the plate.

Seokjin's eyes lit up and he reached for the plate before he felt nauseous and shoveled the plate away. "But you love cheesecake Jinie hyung". He shook his head vigorously before headed to the kitchen sink. "Hyung! Are you alright?" Taehyung asked as he quickly approached Seokjin who just threw up and caressed his back.

"You've been nauseous quite a lot lately." He stated the fact worriedly.

"It's alright Taehyungie, I haven't been eating properly, probably the gastric starting to kick in." Seokjin said in assurances. However Taehyung wasn't having it. It's been going for far too long.

After several persuasion, they finally decides to go to the hospital for a check up. They grab their belongings and Taehyung grabs the car keys.

Before they reach the door, Seokjin grip Taehyung's arm. "Taehyungie, I don't think I can drive, the headaches are starting to kick in. And you can't either as you don't know how to."

With that statement, they paused for a moment trying to find a solution. "Oh yeah!" An idea pops up and Taehyung hits his head lightly. "Pabo me, how can I forget, we can call Grab hyung." He giggles and reaches for his phone.

A knock at the door was heard making both of them startled. Seokjin opens the door to see who it was. "Hi Jin hyung." The guess greets showing his dimple smiles.

"Oh! hello Hobi." Seokjin replies back. "What brings you here?" He asked as he tilted his head slightly in curiosity.

"I thought you might be alone, so I thought you might use a company. But I see Taehyung is here." He chuckles.

"AH! Hobi hyung! Perfect timing. Let's go to the hospital" Command Taehyung grabbed Seokjin's arm and Hobi's arm and headed for their car. Hobi simply complied before he could say a word.


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