Chapter 4

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The sound of a broken glass was so deafening coming from the kitchen. In there, stood two lovers staring at each other. One was in shock while the other had that really guilty look on his face. "What are you trying to say Jungkook-ah?" He breathes in heavily.

"I- I had to. There's nothing I could do." Jungkook utter in a low voice.

"Nothing? What a load of crap! There are about thousands of other ways you CAN do!" He protested as he crumpled his palm into a fist and hit the table.

"Seokjin baby, please..."

"No! Don't baby me when you want to end this relationship." He paused. "OF 15 MONTHS!" He raised his voice like an octet. Jungkook bites his lips. His body was shaking. This is the hardest thing he ever had to do.

"Give me a reason Jeon Jungkook. Just one fuck*ng reason why are you leaving me?" Seokjin asked as he slowly approached him and stepped on the broken glasses.

By this time, nothing was more painful compared to the love of his life is about to leave him like that. Jungkook notices what is happening to Seokjin and he just wants to lift him up and clean those cuts but the current situation isn't allowing him to do so.

Jungkook gathers all his strength to not to cry and tells Seokjin everything he needs to know. He then places the spare house key on the kitchen counter and leaves without looking back. At this moment Seokjin felt so weak and could barely stand anymore; immediately he dropped on the floor all lifeless.

30 minutes later, Seokjin hears a sound coming from the front but he couldn't move. He could barely function. If something bad is about to happen, he was willing to accept this fate. "Hyungieeee" He finally could hear the sound clearly; though it took him a moment to figure out who it was. "Jin jin hyung, where are you?" The voice asked and they wandered around the house.

Finally they made it to the kitchen as the smell of burning was rising up. Seokjin looks up to find Taehyung & Yoongi standing as their jaw drops and eyes widen.

Taehyung notices all the blood on the floor and the trail leads to his beloved hyung. Yoongi - who quickly got to his senses - quickly closes the oven and opens the door and the window. He could use a fire alarm in this house, thought Yoongi to himself. "Taetae!" Yoongi speaks up, making Taehyung come back to reality and look at his lover. Yoongi said nothing; instead he gave a motion to check up on Seokjin.

"Hyung, what happened?" He slowly approaches his hyung but not before Yoongi warns him about the broken glasses. "Hyung...." He called out softly as he lifted Seokjin chin up. As their eyes met, Taehyung could see the shock in Seokjin's eyes. It was red and dry. No form of tears occurs. Seokjin began to mumble words under his breath which neither of them could understand.

Without another thought, Taehyung seeks Yoongi's help in lifting his hyung up and bringing him to the living room. Taehyung quickly heads back to the kitchen and grabs the first aid kit.

Once he was back in the living room, he sat next to Seokjin and cleaned up the cuts that were on his hands while Yoongi helped with his feet.

Next Taehyung grabs the wet tissue and cleans Seokjin's face gently so he could deel refresh. Again, he tries to ask what is happening. With the attempt of holding back the tears, Seokjin breathed deeply and began telling them.

"He left me Taehyung-ah. Jungkook just ended the relationship and simply walked out the door." He took a long pause before continuing. "His reason was his father wanted us to end this relationship and marry someone else. If he doesn't comply, he can forget about the million dollar project that he got before and his father will make sure that his company will cease to exist."

Seokjin widens his eyes and stares into nothing and painfully chuckles slightly. "Now that I recall, at the end of the day, he will never put me first." He bites his lips for a moment and blinks a couple of times. "You know, I would always stay by his side even if his dad wanted to end his company."He paused once again.

"I would never leave him. We've been through so much! and he- he just end it? Just like that?" He asked as he grips his hand out of anger.

His eyes began to turn glassy and blurry. Taehyung immediately places his hyung head on his shoulder as he wraps his arm around Seokjin and slowly caresses his back. "Hyung, let it out. Cry. Scream. Do whatever you want. I'll always be here for you."

Upon the command, he breathes in and slowly breathes out before fat tears start flowing down his cheeks and loud sobbing could be heard.

Yoongi drew a thin smile as he looked up at the two. He then continued his task by putting on the last bandage on Seokjin's feet. Once that is done, he took a sit on the bean bag next to the sofa and lay there for a moment.

After several minutes, Yoongi could hear soft sobbing coming from Seokjin, knowing that Seokjin had finally calmed down. Couldn't keep his hand to himself, Yoongi accidentally opened the tv remote and a loud music came blasting in; making everyone jump.

At this moment two pairs of eyes were staring at the agitated boy as he's trying to turn off the tv. When it did close, Yoongi showed his guilty gummy smile towards them and muttered a sorry word. With that, Seokjin laughed because of the younger's action as Taehyung helped him wipe his tears away.


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