Chapter 16

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BTS MEAL by McDonald's is coming soooooon 🤩 Also, did you guys managed to watch BangBangCon21?😊 because I didn't T.T


The wait was nerve racking. Jungkook was all tensed up when he heard his baby girl was crying and still no news about Kim Seokjin.

"Why are you guys out here? Is Seokjin hyung alright? How's the baby doing?" Jimin asked as he approached them, trying to study their expressions.

Jungkook couldn't say a word as he was a mess thinking about Seokjin. Taehyung had his face buried in Yoongi's chest as silent tears ran down his cheeks.

Yoongi told him what happened as he used his right arm to greet Jimin by side hugging him. He smiled at his brother as he returned the hug.

Jimin then went up to see Hobi to see how he is doing while Yoongi wraps his arm around his waist as he gently caresses his baby's back. "Hyung will be alright. Nothing is going to happen to him. He's much stronger than you think." Yoongi said in a calm soothing manner.

It was half an hour later when the doctor and nurses came out of the room. "Jungkook ssi?" The doctor called out. He immediately stood up and approached the man. "Seokjin ssi is stable now. He was just tired from the delivery and also, over stressed. Probably from thinking too much. I also recommend that he eats more as his blood level and glucose level is rather low.

:: I'm sorry. I don't know much about medical terms ::

Jungkook took his hand and shook it as he bowed a couple of times. "Thank you so much doctor. Can we see him now?"

"He's resting now, perhaps in an hour or two." The doctor recommended.

He then threw himself on the seat with a heavy sigh. Jimin went to him and caressed his back. "He's going to be alright Jungkook-ah."

"How about going home first, Jungkook-ah. You've been here for hours already. Get some sleep and come back once you've freshen up okay?" Hobi suggested.


"Don't worry about Jinnie hyung. Taetae & I will stay here for a while." Yoongi volunteered.

"Come, I'll take you home." Jimin offered as he pulled the man up and head home; their home.

During the ride back, the car was silent and so intense as Jungkook was looking ever so gloomy. "Jungkook..." Jimin speaks up making the tiresome man hum in response. "How is she?"

Jungkook didn't have the strength to look at Jimin; but he smiled as he thought of her. "She is so gorgeous and ever so cute."

"Who do you say she'd look like?"

"She looked so much like her appa." He smiles wider. "Her eyes are oval almond, just like his. Has the roundest cheeks and the cutest lips."

"Really? I can't wait to meet her soon." Jimin drew a thin smile as his eyes were on the road.

Once they arrived at their house, Jungkook headed to the bathroom and had a shower, while Jimin helped him lay out his clothes for him to wear later.

Jimin then moves a few boxes that were blocking the path to move around. "I need to buy some more tapes later." He told himself.

20 minutes later Jungkook came out once he had dried himself. He glanced at the bed before looking at Jimin. "Thank you Jimin-ah."

Jimin nods before he heads up to the wardrobe. He grabs a few baby clothes as he smiles. "Jungkook-ah, what do you think of-" his question were cut when he saw his husband laying on the bed, towel still wrapping around his waist as he was fast asleep.

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