01. - her beautiful murderer

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𝔱𝔢𝔞𝔠𝔥𝔢𝔯'𝔰 𝔭𝔢𝔱
un. — true visionaries are never recognised!

 — true visionaries are never recognised!

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It was a Sunday.

It was a Sunday, a holy day.  But days were never holy for Mina, how could they be? When all she thought of was death and destruction. They were not her own thoughts, but images that bombarded her mind without mercy, without reprieve. Visions had plagued her mind for as long as she was aware of her consciousness. From peaceful serene waves lapping on the shore, to massacres that left the streets running red.

There was no rhyme nor reason for these hideous visions. She never felt safe from their attacks, except when she was dancing. Her body twirling, flowing like water. When dancing her mind disappeared and her soul took over, guiding her steps allowing her to slip away into a state of complete bliss.

On that fateful Sunday her visions would suddenly become all too real.

Mina had been travelling in a carriage from Hogsmeade up to the castle that sat on the horizen. Having gone to Beaxbatons for the first five years of her education, she had not ever humoured the idea of completing her last two years at Hogwarts. She knew why her parents had sent her to France, they could not bare to look at her face — on the outside she had the typical pleasant and aristocratic features of a Black heiress. But they thought her mad, an embarrassment to the family name. Her numerous outbursts at high society parties as a child, about visions of war and death were too much for the proud pureblood parents.

So they sent her away.

For the most part she stayed at her family chateau in France when not at Beauxbaton's, travelling home as little as possible which seemed to be an agreeable arrangement. Unfortunately Mina was not the most gracious or well liked student at her school. Most of the other girls knew of her condition, a rumour even being spread that her visions were sent by the devil. Due to the lack of love and friendship in her life Mina found herself constantly searching for love in all the wrong places. Any boy who showed her any attention she would become infatuated with — it didn't matter if he was nice — she would french kiss them in empty classrooms, never daring to go any further which always prompted them to spread rumours about her promiscuous behaviour.


All of this mixed with the way that Mina was not up to the usual standard of their students it was no wonder they kicked her out. She was too messy, her headmistress had claimed — her gloves always dirtied from playing in the outdoors, her untameable curls that ran in her family never sitting right under her hat. Or the way she would backtalk the teachers during prayer sessions and classes.

The only thing that surprised Mina was her parents sending her to Hogwarts instead of another institution on the other side of the world. She assumed it was because she was coming of age and they would soon have to find her a pureblood match — they may have thought her mad but she still needed to contribute to the pureblood line. Her pink dusted lips twisted into a scowl as she thought of her sister, Walburga. She was in her seventh year and would no doubt have spread rumours about her looney sister to the whole school already. Though she did find some satisfaction when she found out her sister was betrothed to their second cousin Orion.

Though it had been years since she had seen her sister in person, Mina had seen her in her visions, she knew it was her sister those steely grey eyes with a freckle resting just beneath her left eye gave her away. But she was older in her vision, their mothers age perhaps — she was collapsed next to the family tapestry alone and weeping. Mina was not close with her sister but she had never seen her weep before. Not when they were little and she broke her arm, or even when their mother scolded them harshly. Tears never glistened in those grey eyes.

Mina didn't like thinking of her sisters bleak future.

Sighing softly she smoothed her black dress down and pulled her cloak tighter around her body, glistening eyes staring up at the grand castle that was coming into view. The castle appeared ancient yet so incredibly new at the same time, the architecture was beautiful — opposite to the soft beauty of the Beauxbatons chateau — the rippling black water of the lake casting an eerie reflection on the surface. It was on the dark side of twilight when the carriage finally stopped at the looming doors of the castle, and Mina felt her heart pounding out of her chest as her hands shook.

Entering the castle she was directed by the caretaker to to Great Hall. Pushing the heavy doors open as quietly as possible, Mina couldn't help but be in awe as her senses were overwhelmed. The ceiling was magnificent, looking as though the heavens had opened up right above their heads, the inky blackness of the sky dotted with stars twinkling down. Colours overwhelmed her eyes at each of the tables students sat adorned in different colours girls in yellow dresses and black cloaks — the boys at the same table in yellow shirts with black cloaks over the top. The rest of the tables in a similar fashion with green and silver, blue and bronze, and red and gold.

Mina was called to sit on a rickety stool, the dirty looking hat whispering snide words in her ears for what seemed like hours but were apparently only several minutes. It was a close decision but in the end that hat placed her in Slytherin, the moment the word left the hats mouth her black dress and cloak were transformed, her dress transforming into a deep emerald green with silver accents, whilst her cloak became a vibrant silver.

Her feet steered her to the table filled with her new housemates ( SHE WAS TRULY IN THE SNAKE-PIT NOW ) from her sisters snickers and whispers at the other end of the table and her housemates shifty glances Mina new the rumours had already been spread. Keeping her head down she rolled her eyes and picked at a few grapes. Only raising her head briefly when Headmaster Dippet wished her a warm welcome — as she was trailing her eyes back down they suddenly met a dark pair of eyes at the teachers table.

The world stilled, her breath trembled as she found the eyes of her tormentor finally.

For years Mina had been plagued of visions, visions of her own death. He was her killer. She had watched him slit her throat, licking her blood off of his fingers, she watched him curse her until all that was left was a hollow frame, she saw him drown her in the lake — her thrashing limbs no match for his strong arms.

And there he sat at the teachers table, his lips twisting into a vague semblance of a smile as he met her wide eyes.


first chapter is here! i'm trying out a sort of new writing style for this fic hope you guys like it and mina!

stay safe! and remember to vote, comment and or share please lovelies!



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