05. - dream catcher

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𝔱𝔢𝔞𝔠𝔥𝔢𝔯'𝔰 𝔭𝔢𝔱
cinq. — heartless!


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Hearts are fragile things. Soft, delicate and oh so pliable, affection and warmth for others causing it to skip beats — and even causing death in some cases of heartbreak. Tom detested the mere thought of the human heart and all its emotion.


As he gazed down at the sleeping, porcelain face of the girl in his bed, he smiled. Not a kind smile, but one that was all teeth — aggressive victory shining through. How easy had it been to slide his way into her heart? A girl so touch starved, so starved of any kind of affection. A few kind words, a little praise and she was putty in his hands.

The same bloody hands he knew she had seen brutally murder her. It seemed that her heart outweighed any self preservation instincts — the blind organ — Tom scoffed in his head. Often times growing up he had wondered if he even had a heart, even going as far as a child to slice his own chest open with a scalpel stolen from the matrons office at the orphanage. He had hardly winced, managing to peel away a few layers of skin on his chest before he was caught, the ghastly woman having let out a bloodcurdling scream at the sight of the nine year old boy carving himself up.

Tom didn't know why she had reacted so badly, he hadn't even gotten to an visceral parts yet. Needless to say he was not allowed near sharp objects for a long while after that. He looked down at his pale chest in that moment, running his hand across the scarless skin — chuckling darkly at the memory of the matron fainting in shock when his wounds all but disappeared.

His eyes flickered to Mina as she began groaning in her sleep, eyes fluttering frantically behind her lids, her small pink mouth half opened in shock as her visions physically shook her body. Leaning over her he took out his wand and placed it against her forehead. From her head to the tip of his wand shone a blue, silvery substance that he bottled quietly — the girl settling down almost immediately.

Placing his feet on the stone flooring, where most would having shivered from the cold, Tom felt no change in temperature. His body cold as the stone, cold as his heart. Strolling over to the pensive covered by a velvet cloth, he took a deep breath and prepared himself.

His future within his grasp.


Mina awoke slightly sore between her legs, but content. For once she was not waking up covered in sweat from another horrific vision — heart thumping like a hummingbird in her chest, it seemed she for the first time in a long time had not had a vision.

𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑'𝐒 𝐏𝐄𝐓,                          tom riddle ✓Where stories live. Discover now