02. - mina the dreamer

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𝔱𝔢𝔞𝔠𝔥𝔢𝔯'𝔰 𝔭𝔢𝔱
deux. — visions i vandalise!

 — visions i vandalise!

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Tom Riddle. Professor Riddle, that was the name of her killer. Mina watched him in class and in return he watched her. For the first time in her life she doubted her visions, always having been so assured in them and the meanings behind them. But staring at his face in DADA she wondered how someone so perfect looking could be capable of such monstrous things. His cheekbones were sharp, and his lips were full — a tussle of dark curls falling charmingly over his forehead but not obscuring his eyes.

His eyes, they were so strange. The blue of an ocean during a storm, bright and wild, except there was a ring of red that wrapped around his pupil that pulsed and seemingly threatened to consume the beautiful sea of blue that surrounded it.

Boys and girls alike listened attentively in his class she found, most sitting on the edge of their seats as they watched him with wide and dazzled eyes. Though Mina could not judge, his voice was intoxicating like the sweetest honey, he was charming and charismatic — his knowledge on the subject he was teaching clearly extensive.

It also helped for the few female students that he was attractive and young. The rest of the faculty gave them no material to dream of. But each girl, even the smartest girls who could smell the warning signs on him from a mile off couldn't help but be intoxicated by his presence.


Mina bit her lip harshly as she watched him roll his sleeve up his arm, pale flesh exposed to the light — the muscles and veins in his arm flexing for a moment as he fixed his collar, for a moment he caught her eyes and she swore she could see a hint of mischief dancing in those eyes. But when she blinked it and he was gone.

The classroom was gone

She was running through the halls of Hogwarts, it was nighttime and she was panting ever so slightly, her bare feet slapping against the stone floor quietly — the long men's shirt she had to practically swallowing her frame. It was freezing, but the cold did not actively bother her — her one goal being to run at that moment, no time for complaints.

Her heart pounded relentlessly in her chest as she ran faster, feeling a looming presence behind her. Turing her head she met the dark, hungry eyes of Tom Riddle... and giggled. Her laughter filled the air as he lifted her into his arms, shushing her with a laugh of his own.

It was a beautiful, foreign sound. Her tormentor, her murderer had never laughed before. Mina found that she liked that sound and wanted to hear it more as the scent of cigars and apples invaded her senses. His plump and soft lips nibbled at her neck harshly as she groaned—

𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑'𝐒 𝐏𝐄𝐓,                          tom riddle ✓Where stories live. Discover now