"Damn right I am!"

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The next day came fast and Me, Itsuka and Midoriya were walking together. I looked over to Midoriya and he seemed to be back to normal.

"So, do you guys know what we're gonna do today?" Itsuka said trying to break the silence.

"Hmm, I don't know. Probably the basics, like combat or rescue training." Midoriya said as we made our way inside.

"Well, as long as we don't have to see those no life 1-A peaces of shits, I'd be fine with it." I said as we walked into the class.

"Hey bro, morning!" Tetsutetsu said as the others just gave a nod.

We walked in and took our seats. Soon Vlad king came in and quiet us down.

"Alright, today you'll be doing Battle training. But, you'll have to wait for your heroics class. So, until then..."

"You'll have to deal with me!" The door swung open once more and in came Midnight.

As the teachers got switched we began out boring school life.

-time skip-

"Finally, next class is Hero class!" Tetsutetsu said walking over with Yangi and Yui.

"You know Midoriya, it's funny you guessed what we would be doing for class." Itsuka said looking at the asleep Midoriya behind me.

"Midoriya?" I said, no response.

I then turned around in my chair and put out my hand to shake him awake. I put my hand on his head and was met with immediate softness. I continued to pet him admiring the softness.

Unknowingly, both Itsuka and Tetsutetsu had joined in.

"How long are you guys going to do that?" Midoriya said as he lifted his head looking at us.

Itsuka and Tetsutetsu both jumped back a few out if distance. He then looked up to me who hasn't moved.

"Well isn't this a good day, I open my eyes to a beautiful girl. Lucky me." He said lifting his head.

My face turned red as I was about to respond, but the door swung open to reveal our teacher had come in.

"I'm coming in like a normal person!!" To our surprise, All might came into the room.

"Woah!! All might!" Tetsutetsu yelled out.

"YES!! IT IS I, ALL MIGHT!!! I am here as your teacher today! And today we are doing none other than, BATTLE TRAINING!!"

He yelled out holding up a small card that had the words written out on it.

"But, what are heros without their signature look!" He said as he pressed a button and cases started to come from the wall with numbers on them.

"The hero forms you turned in before school with your hero costume description on them, we had them made just for you! They are assigned as your seating number! So get dressed and meet me out on ground beta!" He said with a final *swoosh* as he ran fast out of the room.

We all then walked over, grabbed our hero costumes and made out way to the locker rooms.

~time skip~

"You've got to be kidding..."

"What the hell are you doing here!?"

After getting changed into our hero costumes, we made our way over to ground beta. Expecting to only see All Might there, he was with the 1-A losers.

"Look what the cat dragged in! A bunch of nobodies!! Yo-!" I was about to say more, but was inturped by a hand meeting my head.

Looking up I see Midoriya having his hand placed on my head once again petting me. He then let out a smile.

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