"I'll be here for you."

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(Hope you guys enjoy the picture I drew above! I'd say it's a improvement since the last one.

What do you think?)

The train stopped as Bakugo stood from his seat.

"We didn't have this conversation, got that?" He said looking back at me with a slight glare.

"Yeah yeah, I wasn't planning on saying anything anyways." I told him as I exited off the train.

"Monoma, over here." I heard as I stepped off the train. Looking over, I seen that Midoriya was walking over.

He then looked over at Bakugo.

"Hey Kacchan, how was the ride?" He asked as if nothing happened the day's before.

"Tch." Was all he did as he turned away and started walking.

"Fucking asswhole..." I said under my voice as Midoriya giggled.

"Come on, we don't want Vlad on our ass." He said as he began walking. I ran up next to him as we began walking to UA. It was silent for a few seconds before Midoriya finally spoke up.

"Hey Monoma." He said, getting my attention.

"Did you two talk about anything while on the train?" He asked me.

'She....abused him...'

'We didn't have this conversation.'

As much as I would want to talk to him about it, I couldn't. I didn't know him well enough, nor did I know much about his ex in the first place. So the best I could do was play dumb.

"Ah, mainly just about how much of an ass he is. You should have seen the anger building inside of him. Haha!" I said with a laugh. I took a look over at him for a moment. He still had a straight face on til it finally turned to a smile.

"Yeah, I bet I could imagine just how pissed he was. Now lets hurry up, we don't want to miss class." He said as we headed towards UA. The two of us started to walk in silence for awhile, neither of us really saying anything. Not that it was a uncomfortable silence, but something just felt off. I looked over to him to see that he just looked straight ahead.

With a smile setting on his face.

'How could anyone abuse him?' I thought to myself as I glanced forward again, but my eyes looked towards the ground. But I changed my face from concerned, to determined.

'The one he needs...'

I looked up as I grabbed ahold of Midoriya's wrist and ran ahead.

"Monoma, what are you-" He tried to speak as I cut him off.

"I wanna do something before class starts. So let's hurry!" I said to him as I gave him a smile as I looked back at him. He gave me a confused looked for a moment, but soon shook it off with a smile.

"Alright then, lead the way." He told me as I continued to drag him along with me. Walking down the path, I turned in a different direction from UA as I walked down the side of a road. I've been in this area multiple times before, and I was looking for a specific place.

"So, what are we doing?" Midoriya asked as I just shushed him.

"You'll see when we get there. I just hope you're not afraid of heights." I told him.

"Is that a serious question?" Midoriya asked.

"No idea, are you?" I asked.


"Then no, now let's hurry." I told him as I finally found the area I was looking for. Cutting through a alley way, we reached a ladder that led up the side of a building. Letting go of Midoriya's wrist, I walked over to the ladder and grabbed on. Before I could start climbing however, Midoriya quickly stopped me.

"Hold, here." He said as he took his jacket off and tied it around my waist by the sleeves.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Monoma, you were about to climb up a ladder, with me behind you... In a skirt." He said to me with a brow raised. I then remembered that I had my school uniform on and blushed a bit.

"R-right, good call. Thanks, heh..." I said as I turned back to the ladder and began to climb. I didn't hear the soft sigh Midoriya did as he climbed up the ladder behind me. Climbing to the top, I waited for Midoriya to climb up after me as I walked across the roof with him. Walking over to the ledge, I looked over the side as I looked back at Midoriya.

"Welcome to the roof of silence. Everytime I'm up here it's extremely quiet. No noises, no yelling, and no interruptions. Just peace and quiet." I told him as he walked over and looked off the side of the building as well.

"You're right, not much of any noises. And it is peaceful. Maybe I should visit up here more often." He told me.

"As long as I'm able to come with." I told him.

"Awe, someone wanting to spend more time with me? Stop it, you'll make me blush." He said as he let out a little giggle. Instead of giving him a sarcastic laugh, I just smiled. In actuality, I kind of did want to spend more time with him. Wether it was cause I enjoyed his company, or liked him even. It felt nice being around him. I'm not one to get flustered over the idea of liking someone, cause it would come naturally. But the only hard part was...

Would he actually like me?

I looked over to him as he looked off in the distance over the ledge. The breeze moving his hair slightly with a smile on his face. Again I thought to myself...

'How could anyone he rude to someone like him?' I thought.

"Midoriya..." I said getting his attention.

"Yeah, what's u-" He was speaking, but I cut him off as I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around him.

"Uh, what's with the sudden hug?" He asked me a bit confused.

"Can you promise me something?" I said as I didn't move from my place.

"What's that?" He asked me.

"Promise you won't forget that I'll be here for you, alright? We don't know each other that well, but you're still a very kind person who I've kind of gotten attached to a little too fast. So promise you won't forget, alright?" I told him. At first, he didn't respond as I didn't move. But soon, I felt his arms wrap around my back as he leaned his head onto mine.

"...Sure, I'll try my best not to forget."

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