"It's you."

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The next day had come and gone right after the fight. Since that time, Midoriya had been quiet. And when he did speak, he seemed distracted.

Even what he said had my head in a bind.

"*Sigh*... Damnit Midoriya..." I laid on my bed as I waited to leave for the train to UA.

My mind had been on him all night, so I didn't get much sleep cause of it. I wanted to know what he meant about that. Sadly, there was only one way I knew.

I took out my phone and checked the time. Seeing it was time to leave, I put my phone back in my pocket in my skirt and left my room.

"Bye sweetie! Have a good day!" My mom yelled out as I waved back.

"You too. Don't let Dad brun the house down again." I told her as I heard a groan from the front room.

"It was one time!" He yelled back at me.

"And it was one house!" I said lastly as I walked out the door.

I began my walk as I took out my phone again. Scrolling through it, I found Midoriya's contact.

Neito- Hey, you already at the train station?

It took him a minute to reply.

Izuku- Yeah, I just got off. You want me to wait for you here?

Neito- If you would be oh so kind.

I could practically hear the chuckle from him to here.

Izuku- Oh don't worry, I'll wait for you all day.

Neito- Haha. Well, see you in a few.

Izuku- Same to you.

I then turned my phone off and put it away.

'He seems better then yesterday at least.' I thought as I made my way down the street to the station.

As I began walking, I noticed someone in front of me walking. Looking at their back, they had the same UA clothes on. He looked slumped over a bit, and I already knew who it was when I seen the ash blonde spiky hair.

'Bakugo, just the person I needed to see.' I then frowned a bit, but I soon mustered the strength to talk to him normally.

"Bakugo!" I yelled out as he looked back. I ran up to him and stopped next to him.

"The hell do you want? And why are you following me?" He said with a bit of annoying tone.

I held back the urge to talk back to him, but now wasn't the time.

"I'm walking to school, I'm not following you. To be honest I don't even want to talk to you."

"Then why ar-" I stopped him before he could finish.

"It's about Midoriya." I said.

He then stopped for a moment looking at me with a slight bit if shock. He then shook his head a bit before sighing.

"You heard what he said yesterday, didn't you?" Bakugo asked as I nodded.

"Yeah, he forgot to turn his mic off when he was talking."

Bakugo then turned around and started walking.

"C'mon, let's move and talk. Don't want Aizawa to kick my ass for being late for something like this." He said as I ran up to walk with him.

It took a few seconds before he started talking.

"Deku and I grew up together, since we were in elementary school. The damn nerd followed me around everywhere. Around that time, me and him were friends." He said first.

I went a bit eye widened, but not much. I had figures the two already knew each other before, bit I didn't think it was that long.

"We were like that up til the start of middle school. That was when he met, 'her'." Bakugo said with a bit of angry hinting in the 'her'.

"Who's, 'her'?" I asked him.

Bakugo looked at me for a second, then back forward.

"Deku's Ex girlfriend." He said calm, but with obvious venom.

I stopped walking for a second.

'His Ex? Midoriya dated someone? What does she have to do with this?' I thought for a sec before walking back up to Bakugo.

"His ex? He dated someone back in middle school?" I asked Bakugo and he gave a humming sound.

"She was one of the first people that would talk to him besides me. As time went on, they got to know each other more and more, then they fell in love with each other and started dating."  He said as we turned and stopped inside of the station.

"I'm guessing since you said Ex, they didn't work out?" I asked him and he nodded slightly.

"Throughout their entire relationship, it seemed perfectly fine to me. They had some bickering every now and then, but other then that, their relationship was basically perfect." Bakugo said.

I didn't say anything yet, cause I knew there was a 'But,' coming.


'There it is.'

Bakugo looked towards me dead in the eyes. His expression looked mixed with angry and a bit if sadness.

"...What I didn't know about their relationship was,

She was abusing him." Bakugo said as he looked back at the train coming down the tracks.

Then, I felt it.

Something in my chest felt like it twisted itself inside out. The feeling was all over my chest.

"She....abused him...?" I said as I looked at Bakugo, who only nodded.

Before I could say anything else, Bakugo stopped me.

"I'm not telling you anymore else. It's not my place to spread a story that isn't mine." He said as he stepped in the train that I hadn't noticed stopped.

I snapped out of my thoughts just in time to get on the train as well. I followed him over to a seat in the train and sat down a seat away from him.

"There's one more thing I want to know." I said looking over to him.

He took a second before glancing over to me. I took a second to say anything, but I eventually got it out.

"During the training battle, when the two of you were talking. You said, 'You need her...', who is her?" I asked him.

He looked at me for a second before responding. He then took his hand out if his pocket and pointed at me.

"It's you." He said putting his hand back in his pocket.

"Me?" I questioned.

He then looked me in the eyes.

"Look, I hate you, but he needs you. I've seen the way you two already talk to each other." He said as I grew a faint blush on my face.

"I told you what happened, so you should know what I mean..." He kept his eyes on mine.

"You need to help him get over the past."

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