Chapter 16: The Best Idea

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I woke up the next day with my brown hair messed up, and seeing myself in the same exact outfit from yesterday. Must've slept too long.

I looked over to the right and saw Justin slightly snoring. I'll just leave him there. I got up off the bed and walked downstairs.

I saw Amber sitting at the kitchen table, typing on her computer. Her mother was making breakfast, which made me a little hungry.

Amber looked up from her computer and stared at me. "How'd you sleep?" She asked.

"Great. Could've been better, though." I replied.

"Same here." Then her mother spoke up. "Would you like some breakfast, Samantha?" She asked.

"Actually, yeah. I need something to fill me up." I replied, and walked over to the counter to grab a plastic plate. There were the main foods that you always have for breakfast; eggs, bacon, and pancakes. I took one of each.

I walked over to the table and began to eat my food. It was really good!

"So, how long have you been dating Justin?" Amber asked.

"Not that long. Only for about, hm, a week maybe?" I answered.

"Wow. How'd you meet him?"

"He came over to my house at like, eight at night to introduce himself, because I had just moved into the neighborhood. And so, we talked for like, a day. After a couple days, he asked me to be his girlfriend."

"Wow. Even though love at first sight doesn't really exist, you two got together pretty fast."

"Yep. But I think we went too fast."

"I see. What type of job does he have?"

"He's a music teacher. He teachers at the same high school as I do."

"He can sing?"

"Yes, he can."

"That gives me an idea. You know those jazz clubs they have downtown? Sometimes people who are offering a record deal to someone often come to those places. Maybe he could sing there and someone may be interested."

"Hmm, that might be a great idea! Do you know what time the club is open?"

"Possibly around five. They're open until two in the morning."

"We'll try there then..."

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