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That night, Sokka and Katara came back.

The next morning, I started jogging down to the tent where I saw Katara walk into, and saw she was with a boy~ no, not just a boy; judging by his clothes, he's an air nomad! Possibly even an airbender!

"Oh, 'morning, Ni." Katara greets me with a wave. "This is Aang; we found him yesterday while we were out fishing, and he helped us get home. Aang, this is my half-sister."

Hello, Aang.

Hi there! I, uh, didn't catch your name.

It's Nikara. But you can call me Ni- everyone does.

Oh, cool, well nice to meet you!

Yeah, same here.

See you around, then!

Yeap, bye!

I walked out of the tent to find Sokka.

"W-What was that, Ni?!" Katara exclaims. "You just looked at him, and walked away!!"

"Ehhh?! That's not true, we did talk! I introduced myself and everything." I say, turning around.

"Yeah, she did!" Aang explains. "Right in my..." his brows furrow. "Head."

"Huh? Your head?! I- How?!" She looks at me, hoping for an answer.

"I.. I don't know." I shake my head. "Should we... try it again? See if it works?"

I take a deep breath. Hmmph, haaa. I focus, and try to direct my thoughts.

Aang? Ca-Can you hear me?

I... yeah, I can.

Wow. I, ah, this is weird, huh..

Yeah, ahah, but I guess this means we're definitely gonna be friends!

I smile at Aang, and shift my eyes to Katara, her eyes full of wonder. "Wow, I- how is this even possible?!" she breathes.

"I.." Aang shakes his head. "I don't know."

Katara shakes her head, still confused. "Let's... let's just go introduce Aang to the village, okay? We can talk about this later."

"Okay, uh, let's go then," I say, mind still wandering.

Aang is a hit with the village kids~ they all love him and the tricks he can do. Then, Aang spots a penguin and grabs Katara's hand. "C'mon, let's go!" he says. "Teach me how to penguin sled!"

Katara laughs and they run off.

I shake my head and smile. They're adorable together.

While they're gone, I'm just laying on the snow, relaxing as I watch Sokka trying to make "men" out of 4 year olds. It's quite comical, seeing how all the kids are super confused.

Suddenly, a flare shoots up from the sky, bursting into the air from around the direction that Aang and Katara went. A fire nation signal. Sokka gasps, then furrows his brow, as do all the people of the village. So Aang was bad news, huh. He seemed so nice...


When Katara and Aang come back, all the little kids flock to Aang, but everyone else looks at him with loathing and hurt. Sokka steps up to him. "I knew you were bad news from the start! You signaled the Fire Navy!"

Katara argues, "It wasn't Aang's fault. It was an accident!"

"Yeah, we were on this ship. It was booby trapped, and, well, we kind of, uh, boobied right into it!" Aang adds.

"Katara, I thought you knew better than this." Gran says. "You should never have gone on that ship. Now we're all in danger."

"N-no! It wasn't Katara's fault. I brought her. I'm to blame." Aang says.

"A-ha! So the foreighner confesses! You are banished from the village." Sokka yells.

I finally stepped in. "Sokka, don't you think that's-"

"No. It's not too much. I'm keeping my promise to Dad. I'm keeping everyone safe."

Katara exclaims, "W-well I'm banished too, then! Let's go, Aang."

Me and Sokka are taken aback while Katara storms to Aang's fluffy pet. She talks to Aang, throwing her hands up defeatedly, but ends up trudging back towards us, never meeting eye contact as Aang and the fluffy cow start to leave. 

passion & pain. ((zuko x o.c.))Where stories live. Discover now