the ship.

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As Aang and I are being pushed up the ramp to the Fire Navy ship, I look back down at Katara and Sokka, as does Aang. I smile down at them, blinking back tears, not wanting to show my fear. As the ramp closes, I exhale sharply and look at Aang, expecting him to (maybe?) have a plan. 

So Nikara... what's the plan?

Eh? Plan? I hoped... you had one...

Oh... well, um,- w-AAH! MY GLIDER!

"Hm..." Zuko runs his hands over Aang's glider as we get to the top deck of the ship. "This staff will make an excellent gift for my father." He looks at Aang, then at me. "I suppose you two wouldn't know of fathers..." He shakes his head. "Take the Avatar and the girl into the prison quarters. And take this to my quarters." He shoves Aang's staff into the hands of the old man behind him, who shrugs and hands the staff to one of the guards. 

Aang and I are shoved by the guards into the hallway of the ship, and two guards around us walk us to the prison, our hands tied behind our backs. 

Distract them. I'll bur- um, take off my ropes while you do. 


Trust me. I got this. I think.

"Sooo... I bet you guys have never fought an air-bender before, huh? I bet I could take you both with my hand tied behind my back!" Aang muses.

Come on... come on... my bonds are only halfway burnt, and the door is coming into view.


The guards are about to unlock the door to the prison when my ropes finally burn through. 

"NOW!" I shout, signalling Aang. He puffs a huge blast of air at the guard in front of us before I can do anything, and we're pushed back onto the main deck. Aang runs to get his staff, and I follow.

Aang!! Slow down! I'm not as fast!!

I... can't... I have to... get out of here. A-appa...

I run after him, trying to keep up, but I just... can't. He dodges guards left, right and center, but I'm left to finish them off. Thankfully, I have a satchel of bending water with me, and I use that to try and get the guards out of my way. Aang flips over a firebending guard and uses his helmet to break his bonds, leaving me to deal with the dazed firebender. Great. I don't even have that much bending water left anymore... Just peachy. 

I try to jump over him like Aang, but I'm no airbender, so I land my boot... right on his face. "Eep! Sorry...." I yelp as I run past the now completely fallen guard. As Aang checks in every room, I just try to keep up. Finally, he stops at a room, and I follow him in. As we run in, Aang exclaims, "My staff! Yesss!"

Thanks a lot for jinxing us with that happy mood, Aang... As soon as he says that, the metal door slams shut behind us, revealing a familiar prissy, pony-tailed prince. I said it once, and I'll say it twice... Just peachy. Ugh.

"Hmph... seems like I underestimated you two." Zuko breathes in and takes a fighting stance.

Damn it... Aang, this is all you. I don't have much bending water left.

Oh, okay... good luck, i gue-

Our mental conversation is cut off when Zuko shoots fire at us. I yelp and dive to the side, and Aang frantically moves around, trying to dodge Zuko's fire blasts. 

Zuko sees me on the floor, and makes a "tch" sound. He breathes in, and creates a small ball of fire and points it at me. My eyes widen, but I'm able to react quickly. I take the last of my bending water out of my satchel, and manage to hit the fireball right as it's about t hit me, filling the room with steam. 

"Aang!" I shout, ignoring our telepathic communication. "Now!"

We use the smokescreen to get out of there, but Zuko isn't far behind. As we run to the top of the ship, Zuko and a few of the Fire Navy guards tail us. 

Aang has his glider in hand, about to open it up and take flight, but Zuko persists., sending fireball after fireball to Aang, making him reel back. Suddenly, we hear a loud groan. I know i skipped breakfast today, but sheesh, is that really...

"Appa!!" Aang shouts. Oh... my bad, it isn't my stomach, it's the fluffy cow from earlier! As Aang and I look up in delight, Zuko shoots more gusts of fire at us, making us step back... and back...

 until we lose our footing and plunge into the icy depths, sinking into the frigid waves.

a/n: sorry about the lack of update, i've been busy with school and my other stories, but I think I'll be working on this story a little more often :) hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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