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21:07 p.m.

Batman and Robin faced no trouble getting through the gates of Arkham Asylum. With permission from the Commissioner, the two had easy access to Beau Tucker.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Batman's gruff voice asks his shorter sidekick. Robin continues staring ahead, mask furrowing as his brows do.

"He said someone sent him. I need to make sure Noelle's out of danger."

"Your brothers would find that chivalrous," the vigilante says with a small smirk.

"Of all times to tease me," Robin retorts, not bothering to look at Batman. "I got to meet her parents. They were perfectly polite."

"Is this your way of telling me I need to meet Noelle?"

"She's a very sweet girl," Alfred chimes from their earpieces. Robin fights the urge to smile. "Masters Dick, Jason, and Tim all liked her."

"Noted," Batman remarks. The two slow to a stop as the head of security approaches them.

"Batman, Robin," The head nods his head in greeting. "You're here to meet Beau Tucker, correct?"

"Preferably alone," Robin clarifies.

"He's in his room. I'll take you both to him," the head of security offers. The gate buzzes loudly as it opens, leading into the hallway of cells.

Once it became apparent to the inmates of Arkham that Batman and Robin were here, their shouts and screams only got louder.


"Aw look! It's the Bat and his little twerp!"

"Fuck you!"

"I remember when you were just a little boy," one voice croons. Neither Batman nor Robin makes eye contact with the older woman, but Batman did glance at the slash on her cheek. It was enough to elicit a burst of shrill laughter, one the inmates were too familiar with. The vigilantes refused to address it.

"Darling!" Another cries out, actually gaining Robin's attention. He makes eye contact (as much as he can) with the blue-eyed blonde. His gloved fist clenches at the sight of her, remembering everything that horrid teen did to Noelle.

Don't kill her, Robin has to remind himself.

Robin actually stops to look at her, making her smile widen. Jade leans against the small window of bars, tilting her head. "Did you miss me?" She gives a false look of moue. "How's Noelle doing? I hear she's a little shaken up."

It clicks.

"You sent him," Robin accuses. Jade grins in confirmation.

"You're so smart," Jade muses. "I gave her the gift of family, did she like it?"

"New plan," Robin announces, getting Batman and the head of security's attention. "I'm talking to Pathos instead."

"I'll question Beau Tucker," Batman offers. He looks over to the head of security. "Will that be a problem?"

Head of Security shrugs. "I got no problem with it. Commissioner didn't say nothing about it either. Go ahead."

Jade backs herself to the wall, per protocol's demand, as the head of security unlocks her cell. Once Robin steps inside, he's sure to lock it behind them.

Robin crosses his arms over the chest plate as he studies the young woman before him. He notes the dead blonde hair loosely tied into a ponytail. Her nails were reduced to chewed nubs. Her skin was pale due to the lack of sun. Her muscles weren't as prominent as they were when they first met. The bruise decorating her cheek was light, but the ones on her arms were fresh. All this, yet the spark in those eyes hadn't died.

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